Plan in action!!

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Marinette's POV:

I woke up early and got ready for the school,ate breakfast.Then I was just walking and someone pulled me again!!

Then I saw Chloe,Alya,Adrien and Nino staring at me!

Mari:Alya,you scared me to death.I thought someone's gonna kidnap me!!

Alya:Sorry girl!!There is one problem!!


Adrien:We all don't want to bully you again and give you that pain again!!

Nino:Yeah!!I can't even act to bully you!!

Chloe:They're right!!

Marinette thinks for a while and then answers.

Mari:Okay,so you try to avoid me all day!!

Everyone:Got it!!

Adrien:Wait guy's I want to tell you all something!


Adrien:I know that Lila was a Liar from starting and I actually hate to bully Mari!

Alya:WHAT!!Why did you do this then!

Adrien:Once after school I was Break-Dancing and then she saw me,she knows that my father hate break-dancing.So she recorded my video and black-mailed me to bully Mari!!

Everyone:Such a LIAR!!

Alya:She's horrible!

Mari:If I unlocked her phone then I'll try to delete the video.

Adrien:Thanks M'lady, you are the best!!

Mari:Oh, no problem!

Mari:So now listen the plan!!

Everyone:Yes Mam!!

Mari:*Giggles*So Alya will distract her all day and try her to keep distance from her mobile.So this is First part of Plan belongs to Alya!

Alya:Okay!!I'll do my best!!

Mari:Second part belongs to Nino and Adrien.You both have to keep a eye on her.Where she goes,whom she talks and what she talks and most important distract her attention from her bag and mobile.So we can investigate!


Mari:Now third part belongs to me and Chloe.While you Alya keep distracting her and Adrien and Nino spying her.I'll try my best to get near her mobile and bag with Chloe.Chloe you will also help me for unlocking her mobile.Okay!!Everyone,go it!!

Everyone:GOT IT!!

Then all walked separately to the school,still enough time was left to start the school.Alya and Nino walked together.Chloe and Marinette walked together as they we're best friends.Adrien walked alone.(Poor Kitty):)

Alya's POV:

I was chatting with Nino while walking.Then I heard someone calling my name,then I saw Lila Rossi or should I say Liar Rossi.I and Nino plastered a fake smile on our face and waved at her.

Lila:What are you both talking about,huh!

Alya:Oh nothing important,Just chatting.*thinking*Why she want all detail,huh!


No one's POV:

All student's entered the class and the lecture started.Alya,Nino and Adrien tried hard to ignore Marinette and show that they hate Marinette.Adrien and Nino were spying on Lila and Alya trying to distract her.

Magical time skip--

At lunch

Marinette and Chloe were hiding behind a wall and waiting for Alya and Lila to show up.Then they came.

Alya:Hey Lila,I've heard that you are friend's with Ladybug!!Can you owe me a interview about her!!I'll post it on Lady Blog!

Lila:Yeah.Sure,why not!


Lila:Okay,so when you will record.

Alya;So there will be two parts.First part you'll tell about LadyBug.Don't worry not her identity and In second part you'll tell about how you became friends!!


Alya:First video in school and second video at your home!


Then Alya started asking her inumerable questions.Now this was Marinette's time.

She and Chloe went to Lila's place and from her bagpack took her mobile out.

Mari:Crap,This is locked now what to do!!


Mari:What she always remember's!

Chloe took her mobile and typed something and unlocked it.

Mari:*suprised*What did you typed!

Chloe:She always remember one name 'MariTrash'. Sorry if you're hurt!

Mari;No worries.I'm not hurt.

Then she scanned all real pics and sended it into her mobile and she found Lila chatting with some people for editing videos and images.She took many pic's for evidence and they kept mobile in her bag and ran away.


Hey guys please comment and tell me what you think about it and plzz follow me!!

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