I had a particularly harrowing visit today it was suppose to be a routine visit. I notice a bruise on the five year old boy's arm who's mother I was visiting. The mother notice that I saw the bruise which looked fresh and proceed to tell me. The little boy hadn't been feeling well so she took him to A&E and he fell while there.

I text my boss while I was there and she emailed me back saying the child was in hospital two days prior. Where X-rays showed bruises and not quite healed fractures. Since it wasn't the first time the child was harmed by her, he would be taken away from her. I email my boss about the fresh bruises and she tells me she was on her way with the police.

The mother ask me if I would like a drink I say no. Then ask the little boy what he had for dinner yesterday and what he had for breakfast today. He tells me nothing but his mother had spaghetti and eggs and bacon but since he wasn't a good boy he only got milk.

The mother looked like she was ready to hit her son for his confession. I ask her for some cereal which she went and got and I gave it to her child. After a while there was a knock on the door. She went to open it and my manager and the police were there. My manager showed the woman the paperwork signed by her manager and the courts. The child was removed from her care.

Luckily the child will only state in emergency foster care for a day or two his aunt was taking him in. She and her husband had been checked out and was clear to take him. It turns out the child's teacher reported last Wednesday seeing bruises on him and him stealing food. The decision was made to remove him after the hospital incident. My office was just waiting on the paperwork to come through.

I had a late lunch and text Alex about my day. When the work day was over I went to meet Paul he tells me someone came up to him and offered him money and for some strange reason a job as well. He thinks we were overhead in the café.

All the man wanted from him in exchange for the money and job was for him to report back to him about our conversations. And for Paul to get a invite to my house so he could plant some bugs there.

It wasn't just my house but the pub and Teddy's place as well that would be bugged. I couldn't believe what I was hearing,

"He said he had connections and will make sure I didn't get a job. He threatened my wife and son Cassie but I couldn't do it. I wouldn't have them now if it wasn't for you".

I take my phone out and call Jamie and explain the situation to him. We talk for a few minutes before I hang up.

I look at Paul, "A bodyguard is coming to meet us here. When he comes you and him will go home and you will pack up your wife and child's stuff. He will take you to Manor House you can all stay there. It's extremely secure you can trust me on that no one will get you there.  My brother and sister-in-law will protect you thank you for not turning on me".

He puts a hand on my shoulder, "You're like a little sister to me Cassie and you fight for your family not hurt them".

I was touched by his word, "Thank you again for not betraying me. When you get to Manor House someone will want a description of the bloke you saw. What did he look like by the way?"

He tells me the person was mid thirties, about six foot one with sandy brown hair and brown eyes. He tells me he has a tattoo of what looks like a dragon that he saw on his neck.

Diary I was happy we had something to work with at last possibly the blackmailers description. I was going to get in touch with Nora and give her the description we now have. Finally something concrete to give the police.

Teddy and Alex was waiting with Becca in the kitchen when I arrive home they were cooking dinner. I saw Becca putting a salad together Alex turning burgers in the oven and Teddy cooking bacon and frying eggs in another pan.

Alex kisses me, "We're having burgers and chips with an array of toppings. Your mum is coming as well you've had a day and a half babe, go take a shower. The food should be cook by the time you come back down here.

I went upstairs and take a shower when I went back downstairs I found mum at the dinning table. Adding a fried egg, bacon, pickles and avocado to her burgers.

"Hello love I've heard you've had a hell of a day let's eat and enjoy the food before we get into any heavy subjects ok".

I nod at her and make myself a triple burger sandwich with bacon and a well cook fried egg with ketchup and mustard. It was a good feeling diary knowing that I could just rest now for the rest of the day.

When we finish eating I found out Teddy had all his locks changed and bugs were found at his house. Because mum and Teddy talk about me and Alex the people listening in knew what was happening in our lives. I told them the description of the person and I know Jamie was taking Paul to the police station while everything was still fresh in his memory.

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