Chapter 6✳️

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I walk into the kitchen of the pub to see, Linda and mum having their breakfast. There was an extra cup at the table. "Don't tell me Nick is here already, he's a bit keen isn't he?"

Mum and Limda exchange looks, "Sit down love I'll make you a brew, you've had breakfast yet love?"

"Yeah I had some with Alex before he left for work".

"I can't believe you and our Alex are friends, mind you I can't believe he's a doctor".

"Well Linda he is and a good one at that", I spat at her.

"I've never been that boy biggest fan", says my mum. "But the boy's done good he made something of himself. It's no secret Elliot prefers Mathew, ironically who has done nothing differently with his life apart from having two kids with our Rachel. Alex wanted something more and went out there and got it, you've to respect him for that alone".

It was weird to hear my mum praise Alex like that, weird but nice.

"Elliot treated those boys the same", says Linda.

Instead of arguing with her, I asked her if she would like a fresh brew to stop her talking about Alex, which did the trick.

"So what are you doing here this early Cassie"?

"Well" mum I say to her. "I though you and me could go window shopping in town".

"I would love to just give me half an hour, you couldn't pop through the bar and make a start on getting them glasses out the dishwasher for me could you love".

"Sure thing I say to her and go into the bar, five minutes after being in there I hear the back door open and muffled voices. I assume it's Nick or the cleaners come to start work. I walk back into the back to see Nick coming through the backdoor.

"Morning our Cassie," he says to me.

"Morning Nick", I reply. While wondering who was at the door before.

Mum and I walked around Menden town centre, I bought some things for myself and Alex then a top for mum. We found a park and sat down and chat about everything I miss while I was away at university. How happy mum was I was home permanently, and how she's going to be a better mother to me.

She tells me she can't go back and change the past but she can write her future".

When it was lunch time we went to a nice little café for lunch, it was nice spending time with her like this and not arguing with her.

After lunch we went back to Menden so she could start her afternoon shift at the hotel. While dropping her off I see Abbey she walks over to me.

"Cassie you got a minute?"

"What's up Cassie?" I Ask.

Amy has been round mine again asking forAlex's mobile number, I don't know what to say to her".

"Tell her, you don't have it", I tell her.

"She knows I've it cause she heard Linda saying I spoke to him today. Mathew told me about the dinner I'm sorry about dad".

"Alex was really upset about it Abbey".

"I imagine he would be".

I realise I left my Jacket in the pub, I walk back into the pub to see it laying on a stool at the bar. I see Amy walk over to it and pick something up. It's my phone I see her hand swipe to unlock it and she starts to touch the screen up and down. I run over to her and grab my phone out of her hand

She looks startled, "I was just going to get Alex's phone number I know you have it".

I look on my phone breathing a sigh of release she didn't get to the pictures.

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