Chapter 4.

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  • Dedicated to Christi Edwards

I let myself get lost for a moment,but then remembered something not so interesting, but I was curious none the less, I tilted my head to the side and peeked out from under my lashes. Bella stood there mouth agape staring at us. I smiled triumphantly but never broke my lip lock with Jacob. I released for only a second, long enough to jump up and wrap my legs around his waist, his hands cupped my ass and pulled me into him as our lips crushed together again over and over. He was mine. Take that bitch!

Jacob's lips left mine. He trace kisses over my cheek, ear and neck. I felt him pause breathing hot air over my neck. I then felt his teeth bite into the tender flesh below my ear a little too hard. I gasped a small whimper. He released me and took my hand pulling me towards the door and out onto the street. My heart was racing, my mind was swimming both nervous and excited to what his intentions might be, I was turned on by what might happen next.

His eyes frantically scanned the dark parking lot then stopped. He yanked my hand again and pulled me towards a car parked at the furthest end, and the darkest end. With a click of a button the doors were unlocked. He pulled me a little too forcefully and I thudded against his chest. I gasped for air, but was interrupted by his lips crashing into mine. His mouth and tongue hungry with desire. He turned again to the car opening the passenger side door and in a quick move slid the seat back. He climbed in pulling me on top of him so that I was straddling his thighs. The door shut abruptly and the seat fell back, I fell forward landing on his sculpted chest.

"I want you." he growled pulling me back to his lips. His hands fumbled around my waist and he found the front of my pants, He quickly undid them the button and zipper and started to tug them off. I knew I probably shoud have stopped him, but I was weak with desire and lust. The truth was that I really wanted him too, I needed him as much as he needed me.

His hands began to roam over my now exposed skin, tracing my legs, thighs and hips. His fingers sliding between my thighs and finding the covered wetness, he then began to stroke light back and forth sending shivers down my spine. I moaned his name "Mmm Jake." and he responded by sliding the thin material to one side and plunging his thick fingers into me.

My eyes suddenly flew open, I was panting and sweating in bed, I blinked trying to focus my eyes again. My bedroom was so dark and I felt very disoriented as I sat up and turned to my screaming alarm clock that read 6:00 am waking me up for another busy day in the restaurant.

"Wow." I whispered not paying much attention to my alarm clock, "Only a dream. But if felt soo real." I shook it off and turned the alarm off, got up and left my room, walking down the tan painted halls that were lit deamily by the morning sun. Sarah was sleeping heavily in her room, I went off into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water then headed back to my room. I sat on the edge of my bed and sipped some water deep in thought.

It felt so real, I could hear him and taste him. I felt him! I could'nt remember ever having a dream like that before, well not that real. I got up and started a morning shower, the heat helped soothe me from my last nights dream. Gosh! I knew Jake was way to good to be true. I got out dried and clothed myself in my normal attire a dressy casual tank, skinny jeans, and proper accessories. I stepped out of my room to the smell of brewing coffee and bacon. My favorite! I went to the kitchen where Sarah was hovered over the stove humming.

"Hey there sleepy. Want some breakfast?" She flipped the bacon over in the pan, it popped and sizzled deliciously.

"Mmm... You know I'm a sucker for bacon." I went over to the cupboard and got a mug, poured myself some coffee and sat down lazy eyed, the dream drained me of my energy. I then started to some out.

"Helloo? Christi?"

My head popped up, Sarah was staring at me with a puzzled look. "Huh?"

"I was asking you what happened to your neck?" She pointed.

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