Chapter 10.

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I opened the bedroom door and the smell of bacon got stronger. My stomach growled loud again. I could hear Paul laughing in the kitchen.

"Hey, Jake's up!" He shoved a hand full of grapes into his mouth. "Mo-rning."

"Morning to you too Paul." I looked around, blondie was frying up a huge batch of bacon. Christi was looking around the fridge.

"Hey Christi's making pancakes." Paul said shoving more grapes in his mouth.

"Sounds good." I was so hungry I could have eaten a whole cow.

"Don't know if I can make a lot though." Her face was obviously disappointed.

"We're kinda low on eggs and what nots." She bit her bottom lip.

"That's ok Christi. I'll go get anything you need. Is there a store nearby?" I pulled out my car keys.

"Yeah, two blocks down. Are you sure?"

"Hey, your feeding us, it's the least we can do." I kicked Paul's chair.

"Oh, right. Yeah Christi, Jake and Ill go to the store. What do you need?" Paul stood up and glared at me.

Christi gave us a small list and we went to the store. I refused to take her money. I wasn't going to make her pay to feed us, that's just wrong.

"So, how did you sleep last night?"Paul teased getting into the car.

"Shut up Paul, it wasn't like that for me."

"What, so you didn't get any?"

"No, I'm not a sleaze ball like you, remember?" I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon Jake, I'm not a sleaze ball either. I just couldn't help it. You know I'm not like that man. Not usually anyway." He scratched his head in thought. And now I felt bad for him.

"I know Paul. I was just joking man." I punched his shoulder. "So, you really like this blondie then?"

"Not only that Jake, but she's- well she's- just-" He stumbled all over his words. This wasn't like Paul at all. He had a smile on his face and kept wiping at his brow with his hand, he looked really nervous. What was going on?

"Hey Paul. Did something happen that you're not telling me about?"

"Well, actually, it's kinda weird."

"Go on Paul, spit it out."

"Well, last night we got to her house and well, one thing lead to another, you know." I put my hand up in protest.

"Don't worry Jake, Ill spare you the sex talk. But she is amazing."

"Ugh Paul!" I was starting to regret asking him anything.

"Sorry. Anyway, it was really dark so I didn't notice it until the morning."

I pulled into the parking lot at the store and cut the engine. "What Paul?" This all sounded familiar to me.

"I'm sorry Jake, I'm not trying to be gross or anything, there's just no nice way to put it without being too graphic." I closed my eyes and cringed. What the hell was he building up to and did I really want to know?

"This is something important right Paul? Not something weird and kinky?" I finally said through my teeth.

"Yeah Jake, it's huge."

"Ok, go on then. What did you see?" I cringed again.

"The-Mark." He said both words slowly.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, "Are you sure?"

"Yes Jake, plain as day."

"Where?" I blurted out, instantly regretting my words. Damn it, I really didn't want to know where it was.

"Uh, on the inside of her thigh, close to her- well, you know." He blushed.

Ugh! Why do I always ask stupid questions that lead to information and mental images I really don't want in my head?

"Sorry Jake, but its not like I made it." He tried to help, but really was just making it worse.

"Sure, sure. I'm happy for you congrats. Next subject."

I got out of the car slamming the door shut. Paul got out of the car with a huge smile on his face. "Sorry Paul, Sam's better at this stuff than I am. Maybe you should talk to him."

"But, you're my best friend Jake." His face dropped.

"I mean about the details Paul. I'm happy for you bro, honest I am." His face lit up again. I couldn't mess with his mind. So I sucked it up.

"Thanks Jake. Hey, maybe you'll be next?" He grabbed four dozen of eggs and placed them in the shopping cart. Evidently Sam didn't say anything to the guys about my news.

"Uh, Paul." I struggled for words. Just say it Jake.

"Yeah?" He grabbed three gallons of milk and put them in the cart.

"I kinda already did." Paul's mouth popped open. "No way! When?"

I told Paul my story from the night before as we continued shopping. He had a ton of questions. Most of which I really didn't have any answers to. We got all the food and headed back to the house. The girls were in the kitchen drinking coffee and talking.

"What's all that?" Christi looked at all the bags of food we brought in.

"Do you remember last night at all?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, right, big boys even bigger appetites. Paul as bad as you?"

"Worse." I laughed.

The girls got to cooking. Well, blondie mostly helped Christi prepare while Christi cooked. She's really amazing in the kitchen. Paul and I gladly ate through two huge stacks of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and hash brown. We were starving.

"Wow. You weren't kidding about the appetite thing were you?" Blondie looked at Paul and me in disbelief. She was only picking at her plate, not really eating much. Typical girl, scared to eat infront of her new boyfriend. I snorted, Christi on the other hand, she had no problems with eating. I liked that.

Paul looked at his empty plate and then at blondie's. "Hey, you gonna eat that?"

"I guess not." She said shyly. "Do you want it?"

"Gee, thanks Sarah, your the best!" He pulled her plate in front of him with absolutely no shame and dug in. "Have you had enough?" Christi asked me.

I patted my full belly. "I'm stuffed like a turkey at thanksgiving. That was so worth the wait." They all laughed.


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Sorry for any uncorrected grammar.

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Thank you! And I love all of you!

See you next chapter :)


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