Chapter 6.

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"Jacob?" her eyes were pleading. I then felt warmth spread across my entire body and face. I smiled, I knew what it all meant, but I didn't want to scare her off with all the details. I decided it would be for the best to act as if nothing had happened. There would be plenty of time to discuss it later. I continued asking her questions and getting to know her. The battle in my head died down as I listened to her beautiful voice.

I studied her face and took mental note, of little things. The way her lips curved, the way her eyebrows moved expressively as she talked. She had a little beauty mark just under her left eye. I let my eyes roam down her neck, then I noticed a small birthmark over her right breast, it peeked out from under her dress top. Hmm... wonder if she's got any more of those? I felt someone smack me upside the head.

"Hey!" I snapped.

"Who's the horn dog now Mister Morality." Embry walked off with a shit eating grin on his face and grabbed a random chick and started dancing.

I realized that he must had caught me looking and Christi's birthmark, only it probably looked like I was ogling her tits. What a sicko!

I looked back at Christi and she was beet red, her eyes fell to the ground. Damn did she think the same thing Embry did? Guess it looked the same way, damn it!

"I'm sorry- I really wasn't-I-you_" my words kept jumbling together. I took a deep breath. "You got a birthmark s'all and I noticed, so I looked. But not at your- you know right? I would never." Shut up Jake! Your babbling like an idiot!

"Oh, right, birthmark." Her eyes fell and she looked at her chest. Smooth as ever Jacob Black, why don't you just go throw yourself in front of a car while your at it! That was awkward.

"Hey no worries, next subject." She trailed off with a nervous giggle. "Sure. sure." I was lost for words.

She reached back and released her hair from its high ponytail, the scent of sugar cookies and vanilla and raspberries filled my nose as she fingered through her dark brown curly hair and brushing it over her shoulders again. I boldly reached over and swiped away a rogue hair that fell over her nose. I let my hand linger on her cheek. She leaned into my hand and blushed, she was so damn adorable when she blushed, so hard to resist. I felt the urge to lean my head down and put my lips on hers, but resisted. I didn't want to go too fast. I let my thumb loose and found the edge of her mouth. Her eyes closed I could feel her breathe a little deeper and tremble when my thumb made contact with her bottom lip. Her lips parted a little welcoming my touch. I traced the entire length of her bottom lip and then decided that was probably enough, I didn't want to push my luck too far. I leaned away with a grin.

"Thanks, that was nice." She looked at me with burning eyes. I flashed her the best, warmest grin I could think of and she giggled. I wanted to touch her again but knew better then to follow that instinct. Got it! "Would you like to dance?" I blurted out a little too loud, but luckily she agreed.

She led us out onto the dance floor, the song changed to a really sensual deep bass one. Perfect, slow enough to get closer to her. I reached out and grabbed her tiny waist and pulled her back up against me. She didn't resist, her hips quickly matched the rhythm of the music and I became her shadow, we swayed perfectly in tune.

I leaned over her shoulder and saw her eyes were closed, she was obviously enjoying the music, or me, or both? I let my long finger's wrap further around her waist and pulled her closer to me, her neck stretched and her head fell back onto my chest, her hands moved up and grabbed mine, she pulled them all the way around her stomach and left them there. Her fingertips moved up and down my forearms making every hair on my body come to attention and I instinctively tightened my hold on her. I leaned down over her shoulder again and saw a dreamy smile on her face. She looked very happy and peaceful.

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