When she arrived to the door, she opened it before widening her eyes. Dressed in a white short, some blue shirt and hoodie with a mask on of course, Harry was there standing with an confused and angered look.

"Let me in"He lowly said making Noelle gulp.

She knew that Harry is mad, way too mad so she let him in with out a word before closing the door behind her.

"Why didn't you tell me?"Harry looked at her when he arrived near the couch and stood beside it,his mask is already on the table as he took it off earlier.

"Harry-"Noelle started but Harry cut her off.

"You know I've been dying to see you again, you know that I wanted to see you soon"Harry looked straight into her eyes as Noelle faltered a little bit, "but you didn't even have the time to tell me that you're in LA?"

Yes, that was her mistake. Due to her insecurities getting at her, Noelle didn't call or text Harry that she's in LA. It was unfair, she knew that but she was scared. She can't face Harry, not with her being insecure and not knowing anything.

"I just-I.. D-didnt want to disturb you"Noelle quietly said, that was a lie really.

Noelle knew that filming doesn't start yet, it's just meeting and clearing some stuffs, she knows because of Florence of course.

"That's bullshit, Noelle! And you know that"Harry yelled making Noelle flinch.

She didn't like it when Harry yells, they have their fair shares of fights and Noelle knew that Harry is scary when he's angry, it's the one thing that she's avoiding.

"You didn't even replied to my texts yesterday night and earlier in the morning"Harry exclaimed as Noelle prayed that Kurt and Ian didn't wake up from his shouting, "Are you avoiding me or some sort? What the fuck did I do?"

"I'm not avoiding you"Noelle stared at him.

"Then what? Cause it looks like you're avoiding me"Harry scoffed before looking at her, "Does Florence know you're here?"

Noelle pursed her lips, avoiding his gaze before nodding her head.

"Fucking-what the fuck did I do?! Did I do something? Are you mad that I didn't bring you with me in Italy?, fuck we talked about that"Harry exclaimed walking back and forth.

"I'm not mad at you for that, I didn't come with you because I was getting ready for my shoots remember"Noelle exclaimed back, but not wanting to tell Harry the real reason why she ignored him and didn't tell him that she's in LA.

"THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG?!" Harry shouted making Noelle back away at how loud his voice is, "Cause cause-I dont get any single thing"

Noelle shook her head, pursing her lips, "Go home Harry"

Harry looked at her quickly, that Noelle swore she didn't see Harry turn his head that fast, "You know damn well that I'm not going anywhere, Noelle"

Noelle felt intimated, it was hot and scary, to be honest.

Get your mind out of the gutter, Noelle Eve, she thought.

"Tell me what the fuck is wrong, cause I won't go anywhere"Harry is now in front of her, towering over her as he look at her.

"Please, just go home"Noelle quietly said as she looked down.

"I'm not going anywhere"Harry stood his ground.

"Harry please"Noelle whimpered making Harry walk closer to her but to his surprise Noelle pushed him away, "Go home, Harry"

"We promised when we fight, no one goes and walks away"Harry gritted his teeth as Noelle just looked down, "Noelle, let me in and talk this out"

Noelle shook her head before turning her back on him as she cross her arms against her chest, debating if she should tell or not. It's like clawing insider her chest to let it out but she's scared that maybe it's true.

"Fucking tell me, Noe-"Harry calmly said but Noelle turned around to face him.

"Fuck fine, you wanna know?"Noelle shouted at him as Harry saw how broke her eyes are, "I'm insecure"

Harry blinked, it was a surprise to him as he never would've thought that Noelle will say that word.

"I'm scared, I'm confused and I'm angry"Noelle blinked furiously as she tried so hard not to cry, "I'm younger than you, God you should be with someone who is older, more mature not with a 21 year old girl"

Harry looked at her, her words made him furious inside that he didn't get to take care of Noelle well and didn't noticed that she felt this way.

Now he knows though, he knew what this is about. Tracee had told him about this, Jeff even and Gleene.

That was just a friendly day out, he didn't know that people would recognize them. In fact, Tracee was helping him out with a dress that he wanted to give to Noelle.

"You're joking, right?"Harry muttered as Noelle looked at him.

Noelle thought that maybe this is it, this the end, this is the time that Harry won't deny anything.

"You know I love you"Harry quietly said as Noelle shook her head, "When did it start?"

Noelle bit her lip, "When grandma mentioned it when all of us went to dinner"

"Fuck"Harry muttered to himself, he knew that Elise doesn't really like him but he didn't knew that it affected Noelle this much.

Harry gulped before walking forward where Noelle is standing, "Look at me, Noelle"

Noelle didn't obeyed him making him took her chin tightly making her look up at him. They stared at each other, grey to green as if they can each other's soul.

"Listen to me carefully, and listen well"Harry talked as if he's talking a to a child as he saw tears brimmed on Noelle's eyes, "You're not too young for me, you could never be too young, Noelle. I had my fair share of older women and they were great, but they're not you, Noelle. You're different and I love you, I don't care about what they say but we're meant to be and you know that. You might be young but that's just a number, angel and you are one of the person that I countered that can handle everything for your age.You know that I'll wait for you if you're ready with anything, right? You taught me everything, Noelle and I'm so thankful for that, you gave me true love"

Hello,its Summer here.
It's been so long and idk about this chapter. It's a little angsty and I don't even know how to write angst so bare with me.

I know I didn't go with details here, it's just that I can't think straight right. Now considering tomorrow, it's our exam week already so I might rewrite this soon if everything is calm in my school lmao.

By the way, I realized that I write a lot of Authors note these days, it's just that I'm scared and not confident about my writings these days so I'm really sorry if you're annoyed by it already.

Youre in for a treat on the next chapter btw hihihihihi.

Go vote for Harry too.

Vote and Comment, lovelies.

Thank you for reading.


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