Chapter 4

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October 1,2018

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October 1,2018

It's now Thursday and has been 3 days ever since the news.Noelle and her mom talked on the phone last two nights about it, surprisingly Susan seems calm about it.

Noelle hadn't heard from Harry for 3 days also, she's already thinking that she won't see Harry again.

Noelle knows that Harry is a very busy man and she doesnt want to be that girl who constantly check on someone or more like stalking. Tori wanted Noelle to see Harry though, she's basically playing wingwoman right now, which is funny to Jade.

Jade is still betting that Noelle and Harry will meet again soon and destiny will do the rest. If its meant to be that they're gonna see each other again, then they will.

"Don't miss me and Harry too much"Jade teases as Noelle got out of her car.

"Stop with the Harry"Noelle rolled her eyes before closing the door. "I won't miss you Jade"

"Me too bub"Jade grinned before pulling up the opened window before speeding away.

Noelle chuckled before adjusting her backpack on her shoulder and start walking to her house. When she entered, she was met by a distinct chatters and like really loud too.

When she step foot in the living room, she was surprised as to what she saw. Harry in a black shirt with jeans and Chelsea boots, a typical 19 year old Harry look with Wesley sprawled on the floor while laughing as they watch some TV.

"Harry?"Noelle managed to let out.

"Hey, darling"Harry just smiled at her.

Noelle just frowned at him, not because of the nickname. She was already used to that ever since Sunday considering he started calling her nicknames even though they just met.

Now she's frowning because she doesn't know why he's here and she's certain that she didn't tell him where she lives.

"What are you doing here?"She asked dropping her bag on one of the couch.

"Watching TV with me"Wesley answered making Noelle give him an 'obviously' look.

"Your dad"Harry replied with a small smirk.

"My da-"Noelle gaped at him.

"Yes me, bub"Robert appeared from the kitchen with a smile. "The poor guy was being mobbed to his hotel and he almost got lost, so I thought he deserves some break"

"So you just brought him here after that?"Noelle looked at his father.

"Of course, Jeff, his manager let him"Robert shrugged as Noelle still can't believe what's happening right now.

The first thing she knows, she met the guy, then the other day and now he's in her house.

"Wow, bless Jeff"Noelle mumbled.

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