Chapter 13: 14 May 2016

Start from the beginning

"Aish don't say that! See you later then." I chuckled mischievously, sticking my tongue out between my teeth, slightly feeling her embarrassment thanks to our soul bond.  

Sending a laughing with tears in its eyes, I replied with a simple, "Can't wait." and put my phone back in my pocket. Last night was by far the best night of my life. I was so hyped that I couldn't be bothered by all the shit that was happening to us this month, I could only work with a smile plastered on my face, flying through all the edits and sound checks. I scrunched up my nose, realising that I was acting like a school boy with a crush, which wasn't far off.

Time flew and the next thing I knew, I heard a bike downstairs. The time on my wristwatch read 03:58pm and I bolted out of my studio to get outside, right past a very confused Jimin, nearly knocking him over on my way out.

"Yoongi-hyung, you're... running... willingly?" I didn't even bother to answer, only rushing to get to the lobby. My heart was nearly jumping out of my chest and I felt like a puppy being adopted for the first time. 

"Thank you, but I can find my way from-- Hey" Rae immediately took my breath away when she locked eyes with me, I was speechless yet again. She was oozing confidence. She looked a bit dishevelled, but it made her even more breath-taking.

"Uh, h-hey." I scratched the back of my ear with my ring finger, heart racing like crazy. "You-- you have a bike?" I asked, mostly trying to calm my nerves and start up a conversation.

She laughed a little, walking closer to me, "You saw it last night, unless you were more focused on not dropping your hyung." she shot me a smile, "How is he, by the way? Harper wanted me to check up on him, and give him something for his hangover."

"She did?" Jin's voice cracked-up from beside us, causing Raegan to crouch lowly, into what I assumed was some kind of attack position, flailing her arms around.

"Blast ye, I'll smack ya with both these tiny little leprechaun hands!" Raegan growled before she seemed to buffer in realisation, "Oh, hey. Yea, she asked me to make you some of my special hangover tea. She calls it ambulance juice." she stood up, handing me her helmet to take off her backpack. Once on the floor, she dug around in the bag then pulled out two flasks, handing one to Jin and the other to me before taking her helmet and placing it in the bag, which I then immediately took from her.

"YOU!" Namjoon's voice now boomed from slightly further away, and again Raegan was ready to fight, ready to swing her tiny fists.

"I was framed!" her fists were raised, but slightly dropped as her confusion rose. "What did I ever... wait." She looked at Namjoon, nose scrunched up in thought, and again some type of realisation hit her like a truck. "No makeup... Put a rat on your head..." she stood up straight before a gasp left her lips. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH PUSSY!!!!!" 

Jin spat out the sip of tea he had just taken. Raegan bolted past him, ignoring the scolding and ran straight to a terrified looking Namjoon. "I... What?" I blinked a few times, trying to comprehend what was going on, but Namjoon clung to me like a koala, my soulmate squatting in an odd circular motion in front of me, trying to grab at him.

"Please tell me you didn't bring the other one. I can't deal with both of you right now." Namjoon begged, sounding like he was about to cry, while I just stood there, contemplating giving him up as a sacrifice. 

Standing upright again, Raegan tilted her head, her eyes held a serious gaze. I could only tilt my own head at her, mentally questioning the change in energy and attitude. "Month still going bad?" she asked sincerely, causing a long exhale to leave Namjoon's lips as he dropped his head on my shoulder, groaning as an answer.

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