The fight... (oneshot) {repost}

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I'm in a good mood ima write angst sorry....

Not sorry.

Trigger warnings: Angst

3rd Person POV:

Zedaph flew to the shopping district looking for his two boyfriends, Impulse and Tango. What he did not expect to find was the two giving each other the silent treatment in their concrete shop.

"Are you two ok...?" Zedaph asked a bit concerned.
"Yeah everything's fine!" Impulse snapped.
Tango just ignored Zedaph's presence,which is really not like him.
"Ok I'm not sure what happened but I know this isn't like you two. The three of us are in this together. And I won't stand to see the two people I love the most like this. So now what happened?" Zed asked.
"Really! we're in this together!? You never leave your cave anymore! We never see you!" Impulse shouted.
"Impy, you know how I get, you know I get distracted very easily and one project leads to another." Zedaph responded sounding shocked.
Zedaph was on the verge of tears, seeing his two boyfriends shouting like this.
He stepped out of the shop in shock at what had happened.
He saw Grian at his barge, so he walked up to him.
"Hello there Zedaph, what brings you here today?" Grian greeted him.
"Uhhhh do you by any chance know what happened between Tango and Impulse? They seem kinda up set with each other and impulse shouted at me, and then Tango yelled at Impulse... Tango never yells." Zedaph said holding back the tears.
"I'm not too sure on what happened, but I heard shouting coming from the store and then silence, but never saw anyone leave the store." Grian answered.
"Oh ok then. Mind if I sit here with you...?" Zedaph asked.
"Not at all. Im sorry you have to see them like this. I'm sure it must be hard. Seeing those you love fight, but this is normal they won't agree on everything. No body will. But don't worry Zedaph they'll come to their senses eventually." 
And just after he said that, the two heard rockets go off rapidly, and then they saw Tango fly off very quickly.
"Oh no..."
"Uhhh should I be concerned?"
"Yes and no"
And with that Zedaph took off in pursuit of his boyfriend.

After a few minutes Zedaph landed at toon towers searching for Tango. He decided to check the lava room. He wasn't there.
"So if he's not in here that must mean he's in the nether...." Zedaph said out loud.
Zedaph realized how bad that fight must of been for Tango to disappear into the nether...

He went through the portal, and went in search of a lava lake.
He found Tango sitting in the middle on a single piece of netherack, in the very center of a very large lava lake.
There was no way for Zedaph to fly over there, so he did the only thing he could do, he drank his emergency fire resistance potion and started swimming towards his demon boyfriend.
"tango are you ok?"
He just turned and looked away.
"It was that bad huh?"
Tango nodded. Zedaph placed a couple pieces of cobblestone next to the netherack tango was sitting on and pulled himself up to sit next to him.
"do you mind me asking what happened?"
At this point Zedaph could see the tears streaming down Tango's face.
"I don't even remember what started the argument.... but after you left Impulse yelled at me for Sticking up for you. So I yelled back at him... one thing led to another an-and" Tango started crying again.
"It's ok Tango... let it all out." Zed said softly.
Tango buried his head in zeds shirt.
"After I left the Shop I talked with Grian. He said that not every one agrees on everything even couples and that he'll come to his senses eventually."
"Once Impy calms down he'll apologize, I'll make sure of it. And if he doesn't he can join the zombies in the ploinko machine." This earned a chuckle from the shorter demon.
Tango layed down and rested his head on Zedaph's lap.
"Zed" he was interrupted by the sound of fireworks going off.

They looked over to see Impulse flying towards them. Tango noticed and turned so he was facing Zedaph's torso .
Impulse landed not so gracefully, it was more of a tumble that almost resulted in falling into lava.
"I came to apologize to Tango..."
"I realized that I was in the wrong for yelling at him..."
"I should of never shouted, and to make matters worse I shouted at you as well. I was angry and didn't reason with my self. I'm really sorry." Impulse said while not making eye contact.
"It's ok Impy, you just startled me when you yelled that's all. And I'm sure Tango would appreciate the apology... but it seems he has fallen asleep with in the amount of time it took for you to start talking from the time you landed." Zedaph chuckled.
"Oh... would you like some help carrying him home?" Impulse asked.
"Right now that's the least that you can do. Thank you for apologizing... but your right. I rarely leave my cave... and I'm going to fix that. From now on I'll try my best to leave my cave at least three times a week." Zedaph responded.
"really" Impulses smoked slightly.
Impulse picked up Tango bridal style and flew him over to the portal.
When they got back to toon towers they placed Tango in his bed and let him sleep. They decided they weren't going to curl up with him this time and let him have his space. So instead Impulse told Zedaph to stay with Tango. Zedaph went to the couch and waited for Tango to wake up. While Impulse went to do who knows what.

Time skip (brought to you by Grian not being a gremlin for once.) (fourth wall break! Did you really think I was going to end the story there?)

Tango woke up after a couple hours, and Zedaph made him some tea. Zedaph messaged Impulse that he was awake. After a few minutes Impulse arrived.

"Tango?" Impulse said softly while approaching the two.
"yes?" Tango answered just as softly.
"I'm sorry for shouting at you... I should of never yelled at you or Zed... I'm really, really sorry." Impulse said.
"Apology accepted. And I'm sorry for yelling at you... I was in the wrong too. I don't even remember what started the argument...." tango responded.
"Your forgiven."
"Thank goodness he accepted the apology, otherwise Impy, you would be spending sometime with the zombies in the ploinko machine."
This earned a chuckle from the two.
"I'm glad this is over. Seeing you like that wasn't very fun..." Zedaph added.

About 1150 words.
I could never break team ZIT and leave them broken. They are too pure. That and y'all would probably murder me...

But for now, Keep swimming my little fishies!
     Much love!

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