Fukase x Reader x V4Flower

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Hey!! @itzYonaYona!!
Thank you so much for the request!!!
I was working on something before this but I forgot it, it's coming out soon! I apologize if this is not what you expected, thanks again for the request though!
I hope you enjoy!♥️
Also, I have decided to make another book for all vocaloids which may also include Fukase, but this is mainly for Fukase bc I think he deserves one dedicated to just him! (BUT- this book will include extra characters like this fic)
(Also, I'm so sorry this came out as late as it did, I keep putting it down and forgetting it but here it is finally, thank you for your patience!! You're awesome!!!!
Art is mine♥️

Fukase x Reader x V4Flower


"What's going on?" I turn to a dark haired kid with blue eyes that accompanied me at the moment.
"I think the ship's filling with water, we're sinking."
"How did that happen?" I ask, with worry..
"How would I know?!"
"Okay, okay, how can we fix this?"
"I have no clue! How can we fix this big of a hole?"
"Moke, why is the hole pitch black?"
"It is?" He turnt to it again.
"Hey, look out!"

A huge, pitch black hand took Moke within a second.

Suddenly I can't see.

"(y/n)?" I hear faintly,

"(Y/n)" a different voice said, a litter less faint.

"(Y/n)! Hey!"

"Hey..?" I woke up under the tree I fell asleep against. "What's going on, (y/n), you look disturbed and pale." VFlower stated.
"Oh, I had a weird dream, and Moke was taken away by something, I guess."
"Moke?" Fukase asked. "Yeah" I respond softly.
"Moke's okay, he's actually over there hanging out with others!" He said. "Oh, good. Anyways, how'd you two find me?"
Vflower laughed, "It's a public park! You love this tree, too. Fukase and I were just walking around and saw you."
"Oh really?"
"You looked troubled too, I thought we should check on you." Fukase said.
"Thank you two, how are you guys?"
"Good!" They both sang happily.
"We're glad we found you, we want to hang out with you!"
"Oh, awesome! What are we going to do?" I asked
"I was going with Fukase to his house to play games and stuff!" Vflower said
"Sounds fun!" I stand up and smile at them.
"Alright, let's go!" Fukase cheered, marching in
a direction.

I later arrive at Fukase's house with them,
"We're here! Though it's not the first time you two have been here, hah!" Fukase chuckled and unlocked the door, holding it open for VFlower and I.
"Thank you." We both said as we walked through the door, Fukase following after. "What's first?" I asked, then Fukase quickly stated "Pizza."
"Oh, good idea!" VFlower took her phone out, and ordered pizza.
Luckily, VFlower already knew our favorite kind of pizza, since this is not the first time we have gotten it whilst hanging out.
"And done!" VFlower said, proudly.
"Great! Thank you, Flower! Let's say we play some video games or hide and seek? The house has been cleaned up more than it was last time."
"Wow, Fukase! You cleaned your house? Or was it an army of points that had done it?" Flower laughed, and Fukase started to blush. "I cleaned it myself!" He responded.
"How about hide and seek? That sounds fun," I turn to Flower. "What do you think, Flower?"
"Sounds good, (Y/N)!" She responded, smiling wide at me.
"Who's going to be the seeker?" I ask, "Me, I'll be the seeker. I'll give you a minute since the house is a bit big, go hide, (Y/N), Flower!"
VFlower and I nod and go in different directions once Fukase faces a wall and counts down. I walk up the stairs quietly and hide in a closet behind some clothes in a room.
20 seconds...


"Ready or not, here I come!" I heard Fukase yell faintly.
'He's not going to find me here!' I think to myself.

A minute has passed and I hear the room's door open quickly, with light stomping around the room and a thud. "Nobody's under the bed..."
I hear a loud 'hmm' then the footsteps became louder.
"Flower?~ are you hiding in the closet?"
Fukase opens the closet door and I hold my breath.
"Hey, if someone's in here, which I'm sure of," Fukase said quietly. "Whoever you are, we can team up and scare the other hider..."
I poke my head out of the clothes. "Yes."
"Aha!!! I knew it!"
"Whatever, let's go find Flower and scare her!"
"Of course!"
Fukase and I head away from the closet and room.
"I have a random feeling that she is hiding in a cabinet."
"Oh? Good thinking (Y/N)" he smirked, "because I heard something..." Fukase pointed at a cabinet. "There," he said.
We sneak quietly up to the cabinet and look at each other.
He nods, and we swing open the cabinet and yell.
"Haha!!! Hi Flower!!" Fukase yelled, snorting and wheezing.
"You two scared the life out of me!"
"Sorry!" I laugh.
"What do we do now?" Vflower hummed
"Let's bet on how long the pizza will take to get here, it's been a few minutes since we ordered."
"I bet it's going to be here in five minutes!" I yell. "I was thinking six."
"That's the same thing, Fukase... I was thinking of ten." Flower said.
"We'll have to see who's closest then!" I say as I start a watch, "let's play a guessing game?" Flower and Fukase nodded and we got to playing.

Minutes later...
"I knew it," I smirk. "I win!" I laugh, while Fukase sighs.
"Wow, good job, (Y/N).." Flower mumbled.

Suddenly a familiar doorbell tune played, the pizza was here.
We all ran downstairs, and Fukase flung the door open.
The pizza deliverer jumped, I mean, I would too if I saw three crazy looking people appear after the door flung open..
Fukase paid, thanked, and tipped them, then brought in the pizzas.
I celebrated, letting out an excited 'woohoo!'.
I checked the timer, stopping it. Nine minutes. "Flower! You were the closest! It took nine minutes!" Flower smirked and nodded, looking proud.
"We should start a movie!" I suggest. Fukase paused, smiled, and turnt to me. "Good idea." He walked up the stairs and into his spacious and comfortable room, Flower and I following.
"What kind of movie?"
"How about horror?" I ask, quietly. "Horror movies aren't scary..." Fukase mumbled.
"Gremlins is good,"
"(Y/n), that's a comedy!" Flower looked at me. I sit on the bed beside Flower.
"Yeah! A comedic horror movie! The best."
"I guess, eat your pizza, dummy!" Fukase grabbed his TV remote and turnt the TV on, doing his thing. Flower and I start eating our pizza and hum in satisfaction. "Boom! Okay," Fukase got up and started going around us, giving blankets, soft plushies, and a few snacks he always has in his room in case. Fukase wraps himself in a red, soft, fluffy blanket and sits beside me. "Flower? Wasn't Fukase scared when we watched this as a group one night?"
"Excu- what!! I wasn't scared! They're- uhm.. so ugly! That I didn't want to step near the bed because-" he paused. "Because!!!" He randomly blurted. Flower and I laugh. "It's okay! Flower and I are here to protect you!~" Fukase turnt almost as red as his bright, beautiful hair. "I'm the one protecting you!!" "How?"
Fukase wrapped the blanket around me and pulled me to him, his arms were wrapped around me too. This felt secure, I guess he's not wrong right now. "How is it that you're always so warm, Kase?"  "I have no clue." He responded, Flower sorta leaned on me, watching the movie still.


"Gizmo is so cute.." Flower said, chewing on her pizza. I vocally hum in agreement, Fukase's 'security' was getting tighter. "You okay, Fukase?"
"YeS! Why are.. you asking me? I should've asked you! Are you okay?" He sounded a little stuttery. "Yes, thank you, have a slice of your pizza! You goober!" I laugh. Fukase smiles and does.

More time passes and the current scene is intense. Fukase is holding his breath a little.
"Here, let go."
"Okay?" Fukase let go of me.
I snatch the blanket from him, go behind him, grab him and Flower, and wrap us all in the same blanket. Fukase seems less tense.
Flower hugged me, humming.
"You're so nice, (Y/n). Thank you. I love you."
Fukase laughed, "Flower does too!"
I felt Flower nod.
I smile and sigh. "I love you two too."

Fukase and Flower fell asleep long after that, the movie was almost finished. Flower and Fukase seem so comfortable and happy. Fukase's snoring is not as loud as it usually is, and Flower hasn't moved or muttered much.

HI TYSM FOR BEING PATIENT ILY 🥺♥️ I hope you enjoyed it!!

Remember that self-care is important. Have a good morning/evening/night!!♥️

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