Yandere! Fukase x Tsundere! Reader

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(Y/N) Your name
(L/N) Last name
(F/C) Favorite color
(H/L) Hair Length
(H/C) Hair Color
(N/N) Nickname
(F/G) Favorite Genre
(F/S) Favorite Show
(F/M) Favorite Song/Music
(F/F) Favorite Flavor

Story Oneshot Request:
Yandere!Fukase x Tsundere Reader

Woo! First one!! Thank you, @pxachysxrdonyx for the request!
I'm sorry if it's not exactly what you expected, Here it is though, enjoy! <3




I sit up in my bed, pulling the (F/C) sheets off of my body. "Who's calling me..?" I mumble as I reach for my phone, I look at the vibrating device to see who was calling. I paused at seeing the name 'Fukase' on the screen with his picture fitted under it.
This boy...
The phone stopped buzzing for a few seconds.



I answer, putting it on speaker. A hyper voice yelled,

"Good morning, (Y/N)!!!"

I'm glad I didn't put it to my ear.
"Good morning? Why'd you call at such a random time?"
Fukase replied with a silent "Oh," he chuckled and continued, "I was going to ask if you wanted to spend this beautiful, warm, summer day with me at the park!
Summer break is almost over (N/N)!"
That's true, it's almost time for school to start again. "Sure, why not?" I state, hiding my nervousness that almost peeped into my response.
"Great! What time, (Y/N)?" He asked in a high, happy tone.
I look at the time.
He woke me up at 8 AM.
"Oh, is ...-" I look at the time again-
It's 8:45.
"10 AM good?"
"Can't wait to see you!!"
"Y- yeah." I mumble, blushing a light pink.
"Don't keep me waiting.."




He hung up, like that? I guess that's not so strange? That WAS Fukase I was talking to.
But I talk to him almost all the time.
I guess it's just early.

~~~Time Skip to 10~~~

I arrive in my (F/S) shirt, shorts, and (F/C) socks and shoes at the nearby park Fukase said we'd meet up at, and right away, I see Fukase running towards me, full speed, yelling out my nickname.
"(N/N)!" And "You're here!!" Was shouted at the top of his lungs. Fukase nears closer and slows down, grabbing my hands.

(This is what his outfit looks like, his lower legs are sorta wonky, I never found a good pose to draw him in, I'm sorry 💔)Yay! Finally! I waited so long!" He sighs,"Finally? Waited so long? How long?" He was silent for a second

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(This is what his outfit looks like, his lower legs are sorta wonky, I never found a good pose to draw him in, I'm sorry 💔)
Yay! Finally! I waited so long!" He sighs,
"Finally? Waited so long? How long?"
He was silent for a second.
"I wouldn't waste a second if you came early. What should we do first?" He smiled.
"How about we get ice cream?" I suggest
Fukase pulled me in a direction where the ice cream was sold. "Are you ready for school,
(Y/N)?" Fukase looked at me.
"You know my answer already, Idiot!
Y- You're so forgetful! And isn't it obvious anyway?!" I pout. Fukase blushed and his face looked darker, but happier. "Yeah, but I love when you act like that!"
"What!? Act like what!?"
"A cute Tsundere!!"
"I'm not a tsundere!! Tsunderes are annoying!! I'm not that defensive!"
"Tsunderes are stereotyped a lot. But you are defensive, and I love that!"
I blush more and bark back
"But I'm not cute!!"
"Said no one but you~"
"E- excuse you?"
"Hahah! You're so fun to mess with!"
... I'm just going to ignore him and hide my face, he'd tease me more if he saw I got more irritated.
In that short amount of time we had reached an ice cream shop, with a blue-haired man running it, smiling as we approached.
"Hello! It's hot today, isn't it? Here for some ice cream?" He greeted.
"Yep! Me and my friend would! May I get cherry ice cream?" He looks at me, signaling that it was my turn to order.
"May I have a (F/F) ice cream, please?"
The blue haired man nodded and started getting it. I look at Fukase, who was looking behind me with a glare, then I felt a gentle tap on my back. "Yes?" I ask, turning around to face who tapped me.
Oh! "Hey Miku!" She smiled at me and waved. "Hello, (Y/N)!"
Miku's a friend from school, one of my best friends. She speaks up again,
"How are you? I'm sorry, I fell asleep early yesterday." Fukase is mumbling while paying for our ice cream.
"I'm good! And it's alright! Everybody needs sleep!"
Miku nods "Thank you, (Y/N)-"
"(Y/N)! Here's your ice cream, take it."
Fukase cut in, handing me my ice cream.
I thank him and he grabs my arm, pulling me away from the shop. Miku, with clear confusion on her face, stood there. She had more to say, I could tell.
"Where are we hurrying to?! I was talking to Miku!" I inform him, starting to eat my ice cream. "I don't wanna waste a minute without you! I don't like Miku! I like you better than Miku! Today's us! Just us! No Miku, no Len, Rin, or anyone else!"
He had a bit of anger in his voice.
"That was straight forward, but I have a right to talk to my friends."
He didn't say anything towards that.
"Today's just you and me, right? I asked you first!"
I giggle, I can use this to get back at him for teasing me so much..
He paused, looking a little offended.
"(Y/N)," he looked lost for words- he hasn't acted like this before, I don't think?
"Whatever, let's just hang out." He finished.
So we did, and he apologized for his behavior, but he looked off when doing so.
We hung out all day, it was so fun! He didn't act strange the rest of the time.
I sensed a lot of stares, which I ignored, since when I'm with Fukase in public, I always feel that way, Fukase's always doing something, that's what I've always figured why.

When it was time for me to return home, Fukase offered to walk me home.
"Cliché" I smirk.
"I guess wanting to hold your hand more is cliché, isn't it?"
My face gets hot and I look away.
"Y- you're so stupid!" I spit out.
"I guess!" He laughs and grasps my hand, walking me home.
"Why are you actually walking me home? it's not so far from the park, you weirdo!"
Fukase jumps a bit at the last words.
"I- I'm really being a weirdo? Am I doing too much I-"
"Woah, I was just kidding... you're good."
He makes the walk longer than it should be, as usual, and texts me right after I take a step inside my house. "Wanna play Minecraft?" I read, "Sure.".

Woot!! 1,156 words in that one! Thank you for the request, again! I hope you liked it!! <3 thank you for reading, have a good morning/evening/night!

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