Chapter 40 : Take me to the studio

Start from the beginning

My heart fluttered watching Alfie all happy and in his own world pretending to be Harry. I pulled him into a morning cuddle and placed a kiss on his head before responding by saying "you really are, you're both my perfect little boys"

"I'm not little though!" Harry said. I turned around to see Harry stood leant against the door frame of Alfie's room. His eyes looked full of love and he was wearing just some joggers, his body was bare making the view 10 times better for me.


Tyra's POV:

The rest of the morning was spent getting Alfie's excitement under control and sorting him out for his sleepover. He packed 2 of his teddies and the blankey mum brought him when she was still here.

Alfie filled himself up on buttered toast as he danced around the kitchen while Harry was sat strumming his guitar. The 2 boys were super chilled out meanwhile I was frantically running around the apartment getting things for us all.

Alfie needed spare pairs of everything, knowing him he's going to get messy and I know how Ben's mum likes to keep them looking nice and smart. Harry also needed stuff to get ready however he didn't think they needed to be done so soon, we had 30 minutes until he needed to leave mind you.

Harry's bag of stuff sat by the door along side Alfie's overnight bag. I then wandered into the dressing room and opened up my wardrobe, not much of my stuff was here because I hadn't had chance to move it back in. I swung open the door and stood gazing up at the minimal selection I had to wear.

I pulled out a bunch of items of clothing and couldn't set my mind on any one of them. Then a thought came into my head. I left my wardrobe room and headed into Harry's on the other side of our bedroom. I opened his doors and looked at Harry's wardrobe variation, much more than mine.

I pulled out a couple of options until I found a red plaid tartan shirt. It was red and black and was super long, I laid the shirt out on the centre table and rolled up the sleeves. I headed back into my dressing room and pulled the shirt over shoulders and buttoned it up making sure to leave the top few undone to add a bit of spice. I slipped on my thigh high black boots and they sat just below the hem of Harry's shirt. I accompanied the outfit with a collection of golden necklaces and a few bracelets too.

I then pushed in my daily essentials into a purse of mine that was hanging over the stand hook. I then dragged my hair back into a messy high bun and left to go see what my little trouble makers were up to now.

"You look bwootiful" Alfie said, he skipped over to his bags at the door and attempted to pull his bag over his back.

Me and Harry stood against the wall looking at little Alfie all full of joy. Haz wrapped his arm around my waist slinking and pulled me closer he kissed my forehead and leant down to tell me something "I do believe that's my shirt Missy"

I burst out laughing before shrugging my shoulders and picking my car keys up. We all headed down to the car park, full of giggles and laughter as always, Alfie and Harry have made it there thing to race to the lift door and see who's going to press the button first. A lot of the time H just let's Alf win, for example he once pretended he tripped up and actually fell on his tummy just for the joke of it.

We stood in the elevator and the two boys couldn't keep themselves still, the pair of them got into a tickle race causing the both of them to crease up their outfits but at this point I figured we should just enjoy the moment. I put our bags down on the ground of the lift and picked Alfie up so I could give Harry a better approach of tickling him. All 3 of us were in fits of giggles as we reached the bottom floor.

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