Chapter 26 : After Party

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Tyra's POV:
All throughout the show I noticed that Harry and the boys kept looking up at us and smiling. Half way throughout the show we got a delivery of champagne. On the note it said "to the girls we all love" it was from the boys, we popped the bottle open and poured ourselves some glasses making toasts to the boys.

Just before the end of the show the boys came on stage and sat down on a part together. "We've got a song now that Haz here wrote. Management won't let us perform it but we're gonna do it anyway" Liam said laughing.

"Harold your up!" Louis said patting him on the back before sitting down.

Harry got up and grabbed Niall's guitar and hung it around his neck, he stepped towards the microphone and then started to strum the strings.

- imagine sunflower vol 6 being played -

Harry kept looking up at me whilst he was singing, the boys doing the same as they sat behind. We all were waving and smiling however I stayed sat in my seat listening to every single word Harry sung.

"Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor, I couldn't want you anymore tonight"

Harry's words made me remember back to when we kissed in the Cafe's kitchen, the night where the plate broke and we spent our late night together. Eleanor looked over to me "Hey Angel, isn't this song so cute, I bet it's about you"

I smiled and nodded focusing my attention back on the song he was singing with emotion. A few songs later and the show was almost over, they had a few more songs left but the security guided us back to the backstage area to ensure we didn't get mobbed by fans. We could hear the sounds of their voices echoing the corridors of the arena and we stood by the side of the stage watching our boys singing the final songs.

They all said their goodbyes igniting the crowd to scream 10 times louder than ever before. I could see part of the crowd from the side lines and I could see the emotional faces of the young girls full of tears.

After waving and running up and down the stages they all ran back off to the side stage to greet us. Their sweaty bodies dripping gave us soggy hugs. They gave us all hugs and kisses. We were all interrupted after being guided out into the van again, we all bundled in sitting on top of each other climbing into our seats. Our bodies were all sweaty and tired, the boys pulled off their t-shirts and put them under the chairs before pulling on another clean shirt.

We all stayed in the car travelling to the next destination. I stayed sitting on Harry's lap and throughout the whole journey he sat kissing up my neck with his hand firmly gripped onto my thigh.

We pulled up next to a night club, the loud noise of the music pounding out into the streets. Our van stopped and the door swung open, the bright lights lit up the road in front of us. The long queue of people were shouting and already probably drunk. We all got chauffeured into the club and guided over to a private booth and the table was already laid out with shots and glasses of alcohol.

I sat down wedged in between Maya and Harry, Harry has his arm wrapped around my shoulder and our legs intertwined under my table. The rest of the group were drinking and having fun. I was sat there with the music over powering my ears by this point I just didn't want to be here anymore. All I wanted was for me and Harry to be cuddled up in our bed and for me to have read Alfie his bedtime story. Partying isn't my thing anymore, it never has been to be honest.

"Hey I think I'm going to call a cab and get back to the hotel you can stay here if you want" I said almost shouting into Harry's ears to make sure that he could hear me properly. I got up and grabbed hold of my bag and jacket and started to leave the club.

My body swung around and my lips were plummeted onto another's. For the first few seconds I knew I remembered the lips and thought it was Harry until I opened my eyes and was faced with my nightmare.

Standing in front of me kissing me was Jamie. My nightmare.

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