Sleep Talk

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Well, Well, Well never thought I'd find myself doing this, but here I am, writing a Fanfiction. Wow. I can't believe I just said that. That's a little embarrassing. Hopefully, no one I know ever finds this lol, that'd be an awkward conversation. Well anyways, this is My first ever one-shot/Short story Literally ever. So, Aang and the Gaang leave Omashu for the second time.  Aang starts to talk in his sleep causing Katara to get curious and form some new habits such as eavesdropping on Aang. Well anyways, So here goes nothing. Attention audience: This is a Kataang one shot. Not Zutara. (Still a little confused on why that ship exists, but whatever. You do you I guess.) Anyways, I loved ATLA ever since I saw it on Nickelodeon for the first time when I was little back in like 2010-2011 man that was quite a while ago, and now here I am writing fanfiction off of it! It was and remains to this day as my absolute favorite series of all time!  Alrighty then, on with the show! (Well, story. Whatever you call it in this sense.)

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar the Last Airbender or any of its characters. (Although that would be awesome.)

Takes place after Return to Omashu (Book 2, Chapter 3) and before The Swamp (Book 2, Chapter 4).

It was high noon. The sun would only be up for a few more hours before it set over the Omashu Mountain range. Aang steered Appa onward, away from the city of Omashu. Aang wanted to find a good place to land that was far away from Omashu. He wanted to get the memory of the city out of his head. The Gaang had just gone through the cave of two lovers only to find that their second visit to Omashu wasn't all they had hoped it to be. Unfortunately, The fire nation had taken control over the great city, which was rather demeaning, since the city seemed so strong and proud, as well as far away from the war. Well, at least that was how it was like before the fire nation got its dirty hands on it. As each day passed by, the Fire nation grew nearer and nearer to victory.

Aang's POV

Aang knew it was only a matter of time until the Fire Nation won the war. It seemed like all that was left was Ba Sing Se and a few small villages scattered around the earth kingdom. (And whatever remained of the wartorn Watertribes). He needed to end the war. He needed to step up as the Avatar and defeat the fire lord, save the world, become what he was always meant to be! Ugh, Aang thought to himself. It was a heavy burden for a twelve-year-old boy. But he was the Avatar, and let the world fall astray by abandoning it, so it was his duty to bring peace to the world and set it on the right path again. Who else would do it? The Earth kingdom? The Water Tribes? Who am I kidding it'll have to be me, he thought to himself. Aang was distressed with how close the fire nation was getting to winning the war as well as the fact that Bumi, one of Aang's greatest friends from his past and a possible Earthbending teacher was now captured, gone. Maybe never to be seen again. What was even more frustrating was that Bumi didn't even attempt to do anything about it because he chose to use "Neutral Jing" or whatever that meant. Were there actually 85 Jings? No way, that was probably Bumi just being his crazy old self, thought Aang. Woah, even now it's still hard to believe Bumi was over 100 now and quite the crazy earth bending king! Good old Bumi... A lot had changed since he had left... Why did he run away? He had failed his friends, the world, and, and.......

"Hey Aang," said Katara.

Aang jumped a little at the sound of Katara's voice. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed the young water bender get up and move to the front of Appa.

"Oh, hey Katara, What's up?"

"Are you okay Aang? you seem troubled."

"Oh me? I'm fine, just looking for a good place to land..."

"Make sure you find a place near some water," Sokka said from the back of the bison

"Why would you want to be near water? I thought you hated it when we played with "Magic Water", Teased Katara.

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