Chapter 1 - Should Have Said No

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Summer Browns P.O.V

"C'mon, I know it's in here somewhere!" I said getting a little agitated. "How much mail can fit in this mailbox!"

By now, my neighbors were looking at me like I am crazy. I mean I can't help it, today was suppose to be the day I am going to know if I got into Brooks View Academy. Which I am pretty sure is public school.

The best part is that they have the best althetic program there is to offer. I never knew that until someone came to watch me play some of my games and someone came up to our team and told us.

It was fourth quarter in our football game and the running back noticed an unfamiliar figure in the stands.

"Hey guy's, isn't that the coach from Brooks View Academy?" He asked us. We all turned our heads and searched the crowd until we all spotted him.

"Who is that?" I asked, they looked at me like they've just seen a ghost.

"Are you serious! He is the best coach for any sport! I hope they accept me next year." He said. Then the whistle blew.

Quickly I said the play I was going to do and we broke apart. As I was looking at all the other players I knew they were ready to finish the game.

"Hike!" I shouted. The ball was snapped back to me and everyone ran to their position, I looked at both sides before I threw the ball perfectly to the right wide reciever. He caught the ball with ease and ran as fast as he could to score the touch down with his defender right on his tail.

With his final steps he got pass the line, and the refs blew their whistles signaling that it was a touch down. The crowd went wild. As the kicking team was ready to come on for the field goal I signaled the coach for them to stay. We were going for the two pointer here.

After, I told my team what the plan was. So this play consists of everyone running to the touchdown line, even my offensive line. This gives the running back about 2 seconds to get the ball from me and run before I get tackled, which will hurt me a lot might I add. Then if everything goes as planned I will get tackled while the running back goes in for the touch down.

Everyone got into position and we went for the play. Yelling hike, my o-line faked the defense and they came running for me. I quickly passed it to my running back. In a matter of seconds I was tackled to the ground. When I was on the bottom of these guys I heard the whistle signaling that we got the two points.

I was wiggling around trying to get out so I could congratulate my running back but they wouldn't budge. After about 2 minutes of staying under there, they finally got up. Although they got up, they never liked the fact that a girl faked them out. Then again, me ending up on the ground and my teamates getting mad.

In the end I was the one stepping in the middle and pushing both sides away. The opposing team pushed my hand away like it was a disease. They never get to me though, I was used to it by now.

Suddenly, I felt something cold hit my face.

"What the heck!?" I yelled, looking around I found myself standing in the kitchen glaring at my idiot brother. He was just grinning like he won a million dollars.

"Are you okay there? You look like a tomato." Talking about stating the obvious. "I am turning red, because of you! Why would you throw water on me?" I shouted. Not giving him time to respond, I hopped off the counter and tackled him to the ground. He was struggling to get out of my grip while I pinned him.

"Damn, you got a lot stronger then I remembered." He stated. See the last time I saw him was when I told him I was going to tryout for the football team. He told me I couldn't take a hit and that I won't make it because I'm a girl. Talk about being sexist.

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