1: What's Rugby?

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Izumi: theres no update schedule because i already have 3 ongoing stories at the moment and this is my way of surviving my 22 weeks intern.




**you should read chapter 0 if you haven't to understand some things

It was the first day of school and orientation had just ended. While on their way out of school, a couple of  first years, Iwashimizu and Gion, were convinced by someone to watch their club practice.

What club is it? It was Rugby.

Currently, the two first years are seen standing outside the field and are observing through the fence.

A girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and an umbrella in hand walked up to the vice-captain.

"Mutsumi? Who are they?" she was (Y/n), one of the team's manager. She asked since she saw him talking to them beforehand.

"Just a couple of first years I asked to watch us practice." Hachioji answered.

"Ah. I hope they join. That'd be nice." (Y/n) said. "Should I try to get another manager too?"

"What's wrong with me, (Y/n)-senpai??" Umeno was heard exclaiming from the distance.

==N E X T / D A Y==

Instead of having training, the clubs are using this day to recruit new members.

Hachioji is holding down the fort in the clubroom while Sekizan and (Y/n) are trying to recruit new members.

"I think you scared off the potential new managers, Taku." (Y/n) said as they were done for the day and are now walking back to the clubroom.

"Ah, sorry." was all Sekizan said since he didn't really know what he did to scare them off.

Upon reaching the clubroom, Sekizan was about to open the door when it was suddenly opened from the other side by an unfamiliar face.

They just stared at each other, not sure on what to do.

"Sekizan, (Y/n)!" Hachioji said while getting up from his seat. "How'd it go?"

Snapping back to reality, Sekizan handed the three application forms he received.

"Three guys. One of them has played before." he said.

"Oh! Impressive. What about you, (Y/n)?" Hachioji asked

"Hmph, all the girls rejected my offer. They agreed to it at first, but then they rejected it when they saw Taku beside me.." (Y/n) groaned and acted mad towards her childhood friend who just rolled his eyes.

"I didn't see the towering first year you mentioned, though." Sekizan pointed out. "By the way, who's the guy?" he asked as he pointed at Gion who was been silently listening to the third years' conversation.

"Gion, a first year. He wants to join the team."

"Hm?" Sekizan hummed. "He's pretty small." he added before walking in the room.

"Pfft. That's mean, Taku." (Y/n) let out a small laugh before following Sekizan. "Although, I thought there wouldn't be anyone shorter than me other than Raita.." she muttered the last statement, but Gion still managed to hear it. {(y/n) is about 170cm (~5'7) }

Unbothered by the comment, Sekizan continued, "For tomorrow's session, once we're all done introducing the new players, I thought we could do some core work-"

"Who..." Gion cut off Sekizan, "are you calling "small" ?!" he shouted before running full speed at the two of them.

Because (Y/n) was the closer one, she would be the one Gion would hit first. She closed her eyes as she braced for impact.

Thankfully, Sekizan quickly moved in front of (Y/n) and tackled Gion away.

"He's light, too." Sekizan commented before checking on his friend, "Are you alright, (Y/n)?"

"Mmm.." (Y/n) hummed since she was still a bit shocked.

"Ow..." Gion groaned since he got knocked into the lockers.

"Don't go around doing stupid things, Gion. Sekizan's the strongest guy on the team and you almost hurt (Y/n)." Hachioji scolded.

Ignoring what Hachioji said, Gion asked, "Was that some kind of rugby move?"

" "Rugby move"? " (Y/n) repeated in confusion.

"Oh, right." Hachioji realized something. He then explained to his fellow third years that Gion is actually very new to rugby and knows nothing about it.

Somewhere during the explanation, Gion went and sat on the table..

"Oh, so you're a total beginner. Sorry about that." Sekizan apologized. "And go sit on a chair." Hachioji added.

"It's all right. It was about 5% my fault, too." Gion said. "That's not much.." (Y/n) commented.

At this point, Hachioji gave up on getting Gion off the table. "Oh, that "move" is called a tackle, by the way."

Gion then slowly turned his head towards the vice-captain. "Amazing!" he exclaimed. "Wah! Teach me, teach me, teach me!" he chanted.

Sekizan ended up getting annoyed and pulled Gion's cheeks to make him stop. "Be polite to your seniors." he said.

"Yesh, shir..." {Yes, sir}

(Y/n) just sweatdropped.

Once Gion was free from Sekizan's grasp, he asked, "By the way, why won't the Tree Trunk join the rugby team?"

"..s-sir?" he added when he saw that Sekizan was close to pulling his cheeks again.

"Oh, you mean, Iwashimizu, don't you?" Hachioji asked before looking slightly nervous. Everyone then waited for him to continue talking.

"The truth is.."


Izumi: since theres very little all out fanfic that are at this point dead, i decide to do it myself

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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