6: Keijo II

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Izumi: every day i regret publishing this story. But thats me for every book i've published



"Forwards, get back!" Sekizan shouted as he and the forwards were running for the ball. Jinko's #15 (Fullback - Kibi Shota) managed to tackle and stop Miyuki from scoring. "Kibi, nice tackle!" Umeno shouted from the bench before sighing. "That was close." Although it didn't seem like it, (Y/n) was feeling nervous about the game too.

"Hey," Gion called, "is Keijo's team strong?"

It took a few seconds for the managers to process what he said before whipping their heads towards him. "Huh?!"

On with Chapter 6:


"Huh?!" the managers were shocked at his question but quickly calmed down when they remembered it was Gion they were talking to. "Well, I guess you wouldn't know any better." Umeno said and (Y/n) nodded in agreement..

"Keijo's been a regular Kanagawa Prefecture semifinalist of the past few years. Last year, they even gave the champions a run for their money. All of their players have played rugby before." (Y/n) explained as she looked back at the match.

A ruck (i think) happened around Miyuki and Kibi. Raita managed to get the ball out and passed it to Iwashimizu. "Iwashi!" he called.

While being distracted with looking for someone to pass to, Iwashimizu got tackled and dropped the ball. "Knock-on by Jinko." Sekizan then stopped beside Iwashimizu who was still on the ground. "Your decision making's too slow, Iwashimizu," he scolded. "S-Sorry.."

Another scrum then formed and at the referee's signal, they began to push. Keijo once again got the ball out first and the players quickly dispersed from the scrum.

"Iwashimizu, push harder next time!" Hirota was next to scold the tall blond while running for the ball. "H-Hai.."

(Y/n) noticed the actions from afar and she got more worried. 'What is going on, Iwashimizu?" she thought.

"Hey, you dumb midget." Ebumi called. "What's wrong with the giant?" " "Dumb midget"??"

Ebumi sighed. "He's useless."

Gion didn't answer as he too was wondering about what was going on. Meanwhile, the (h/c-ette) was lightly scolding Ebumi for being mean towards his juniors, although he wasn't entirely wrong about it.

Umeno stood up from her seat as she couldn't stand the tenseness of the match. "They've been pressuring us for close to ten minutes." she pointed out. "We need to reverse the flow of the game. Their #10 (Fly-half - Miyuki Atsushi) in particular is causing us problems." as she said that, Miyuki dodged tackles left and right and managed to get further into Keijo's side. "Oh no! He got through!"

"Stop him, Iwashimizu!" Sekizan shouted. But instead, Iwashimizu just let Miyuki pass him. Even Miyuki was shocked at this as he stopped in his tracks and looked back at his friend. He then turned back, walked to the goal line, and placed the ball down to get a Try.

"Try!" the referee announced and everyone on the field were standing still, shocked. The ones spectating from the bench weren't any better. 'Iwashimizu, what's going on with you?' (Y/n) thought while fidgeting with her lip, a bad habit she does when she is nervous.

"What the heck is he doing out there?! I'll take his place!" Gion was voicing out his frustrations while kicking and swinging his arms around with Umeno holding him back. "You idiot! You can't play lock!" Umeno was slightly struggling to keep him from disrupting the game.

"Then, I'll play in place of Hachi-senpai instead-" he got cut off by (Y/n) who had finally lost her patience with all the noise he was making and from getting hit by his swinging arms. "Are you stupid? Stop throwing a tantrum!" she scolded the first year who now had a bump growing on his head. "...I want to play." he muttered while rubbing the bump and cried a little, either from the pain or from not being able to play.

"Sigh." the manager sighed before focusing back on the match. Umeno went back to her seat. "For now, just do whatever you can from here." (Y/n) said and placed her hand onto Gion's head and rubbed the bump for him as an apology.

Miyuki continued targeting Iwashimizu, who still did nothing to the fly-half to prevent them from getting another try. This time, Gion lost his patience.

"Hey, Tree Trunk!" he shouted after getting up and standing on the bench."Why are you just standing there?! That's our ball he's got!" somehow, that got Iwashimizu moving.

He quickly turned towards Miyuki, who was behind him, and managed to tackle him down by grabbing his ankle. "Knock-on by Keijo." the referee blew his whistle and announced.

The two then stood up and went to their separate teams for the scrum to begin.

"The ball's ours! Attack!" Umeno shouted while gripping the clipboard harder. "Go Jinko!" (Y/n) unexpectedly shouted to encourage the team. She couldn't help but to cheer from how intense the game was.

Iwashimizu managed to get the ball from Raita and got tackled only by Keijo's third attempt. "Penalty to Keijo." the referee announced.

" "Over the Top." You're not allowed to prevent the ball from being played." Umeno explained to Gion.

The ball was then given to Oharano who kicked it out. "Gion, the ball's been kicked out. What happens now?" Umeno quizzed Gion and he thought about it for a few seconds. "Uh, the big guys jump and try to win the ball?" he answered unsurely. "That's right. A line-out. Good job." she said while reaching over and teasingly ruffled his hair.

"Yeah!" he exclaimed and Umeno laughed at his reaction.


Izumi: i love watching men in tights run around for an oddly shaped ball

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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