5: Keijo

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"Taira, can we get changed in our usual place?" Sekizan said before walking towards the field while dragging his friend along.

"You're already thinking about the game, Sekizan? Aren't you going to say "long time, no see" to me?"


On with Chapter 5:


"I wonder how they're gonna do in today's game." (Y/n) thought out loud while preparing the water bottles with Umeno. They had just finished giving the bottles a rinse and were now filling them up with water. "They'll do fine, (Y/n)-senpai." Umeno reassured.

"Ah! (Y/n)-chan! Umeno-chan!" the two turned to the voice and saw that it was Keijo's manager, Yasaka Rie.

"Rie-chan!" the two exclaimed and the said girl walked up to them with a bag of water bottles too.

The three caught up with each other, talking about what each other missed and about the upcoming game. "So what are you thinking about the game later?" Rie asked the two. 

"Honestly, I'm kinda worried." (Y/n) admitted. "We have these new first years, and I'm worried for them. I mean, one of them is an experienced player, but on the way here, he seemed nervous about something. Another one is experienced too, but he seems a little stuck-up, y'know?"

"And then there's this one guy who just wouldn't shut up about wanting to tackle despite knowing nothing about the sport."

The three of them sweatdropped at the sadly accurate description of Gion.


Jinko finally finished changing into their jerseys and went to the field where Keijo and the managers were waiting for them. "Oh! They're here." Taira pointed out when he saw their opponents walking through the field gates.

"Hisakawa, thanks for having us for having us today." Sekizan thanked Keijo's captain. "No, thank you." "For two whole years.. I've been waiting for this. Our time has finally come, Sekizan." Taira said from behind them before walking away.

"Enough talk! Let's do this!"

"Good luck." (Y/n) wished the members through fist bumps and high fives before walking to where she would be watching for most of the day.

"Why don't I get to play!" Gion complained as he faced the captain and the vice-captain. "That tree trunk is playing! Put me in!" he didn't get an answer though when he was confronted by a player from Keijo, known as Miyuki Atsushi, and Sekizan and Hachioji took this time to escape from him. "Hey, you.."

"M-Miyuki-kun.." Iwaishimizu stuttered, trying to stop his friend. "Who are you calling a tree trunk?" Miyuki said. "What?" "Are you making fun of Sumiaki?"

Iwashimizu then went to the two and tried to stop Miyuki once again, but failed. "You may not know this yet, but this guy's amazing." the ravennette said before walking away. "You'll understand once you see him play."

After doing the necessary warm ups, the players positioned themselves on the field and waited for the game to begin. 

Meanwhile at the benches, Umeno was writing some things down onto her clipboard, (Y/n) was sitting beside her with her umbrella cover her and Umeno only, Gion was sitting cross-legged on the bench, and Ebumi was slouching. Both players were looking at the others annoyedly.

"After how much you squabbled over one spot, this is pitiful." Umeno commented while still writing on her clipboard. "By the way, Gion," the other manager called, "have you studied the rules?"

"Yeah, I have." he answered. "You can't throw the ball forward and you can't drop it." "If that's all you learned, I'll hit you." Umeno said.

Not long after, the referee blew the whistle to start the match. "Keijo to kickoff." he announced. Miyuki picked up the ball and dropped it, letting it bounce once before kicking it far.

Jinko's #11 (Wing - Maroudo Kosuke) caught the ball before getting tackled by Keijo's #4 (Lock - Ochiai Keita) from the front, causing him to drop the ball forward and deemed as a Knock-on.

"That's when they drop the ball forward." Gion commented as he watched the match intensely. "Yeah. Now, they have a scrum." (Y/n) added.

The forwards from both teams gathered to where the ball was dropped and some began stretching. "I am the world's greatest!" Taira said as he walked to the front. "The one and only, the famous hooker: Taira Tadakazu! You won't beat me, Hachi!" "Yeah, yeah."

Meanwhile, the main manager for Jinko facepalmed at his actions that she never got used to after all this time.

Getting into position, Hachioji indirectly motivated his junior, "Iwashimizu, push as hard as you can." he said while positioning himself in between the Props (Shinshi Yutaka & Hirota Eiichi).




Keijo managed to get the ball out of the scrum and their #9 (Scrum-half) threw it towards Miyuki, Raita just seconds too late in stopping them from passing. "The ball's out!"

Oharano stood in the path of where Miyuki was running to stop him, expecting that the ravennette was going to move to either his left or right, but instead, he went straight towards him. The blond groaned as he hit the ground from the tackle.

"Forwards, get back!" Sekizan shouted as he and the forwards were running for the ball. Jinko's #15 (Fullback - Kibi Shota) managed to tackle and stop Miyuki from scoring. "Kibi, nice tackle!" Umeno shouted from the bench before sighing. "That was close." Although it didn't seem like it, (Y/n) was feeling nervous about the game too.

"Hey," Gion called, "is Keijo's team strong?"

It took a few seconds for the managers to process what he said before whipping their heads towards him. "Huh?!"


Izumi: honestly i dont remember how i depicted this story's y/n

I will try to update this book more frequently

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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