Untitled Part 88

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Chapter 88: Final Chapter by ryuxenji

Tang Yi-Bai washed up and went to bed after posting on Weibo, completely unaware of the uproar caused by his simple sentences.

The fans first reaction was denial. They did not believe it! They did not, they did not! We are your wives! Where did this wife of yours come from? There had been no news at all before this, and suddenly you are no longer single?

Could it be that the previous rumours were true, that he already had a girlfriend? Boo hoo hoo, it couldn't be true! It couldn't be!

Harsh truths were always difficult to accept. Some people even speculated that Tang Yi-Bai's phone might have been picked up by that young cook in the cafeteria. Only that young cook would publish such a unamusing Weibo post like this.

And then, someone suddenly discovered that the cell phone model used to publish this Weibo post did not match Tang Yi-Bai's phone, though it was consistent with Qi Rui-Feng's model.

Heavens, could Qi Rui-Feng be declaring his ownership of Young Master Bai in this manner?

This stray possibility was much easier to accept. The springtime of the shippers was here! They were more overjoyed than if they had received a pardon from the death penalty. They screamed and shouted in jubilation, telling each other all about it wherever they went, gathering together to create stories on the fly. This simple post from Tang Yi-Bai was twisted and moulded into a novella of more than 200,000 words.

Following that, someone finally cooled down and noticed something strange about the whole thing: The World Championships were just around the corner — what was Tang Yi-Bai doing by suddenly publishing such a Weibo post instead on focusing on his training to prepare for the World Championships? Could it be that he already knew he would not be able to do well in the World Championships, and so could only try to keep himself in the public eye in such a way? Oh my god, that must be how it is! These people believed that they had lifted the veil to see the truth — their excitement was no lesser than the other two groups, and so they happily went around exposing Tang Yi-Bai, grinning smugly with a sense of superiority at their intelligence as they waited to be worshipped by the masses.

However, all they received was wave after wave of sieges.

Girlfriend faction: My hubby is not that kind of person! You view everything in such a dark way because your heart is dark!

Shipper faction: Doubting Young Master Bai is the same as questioning our Feng's taste! Is my great mascot husband someone you can insult? Go die, go die!

And what followed after that was a grand melee battle — you attack me, I attack you, and then we gang up to attack him...

Media from all paths mobilised in response, but it was in the middle of the night right then so it would be impossible to obtain any comment from the official swimming team channels. Moreover, this news had come on too abruptly — although all the media agencies had heard that Tang Yi-Bai had a girlfriend now, they were unable to get their hands on any convincing evidence. When they tried to dig into who this 'wife' he mentioned could be, the grand melee had already spread throughout the whole internet. Furthermore, lots of other 'exposés' had sprung up as well trying to take advantage of the situation — Tang Yi-Bai had gained a great number of rumoured partners overnight, making it difficult to distinguish between what was real and what was not. Besides that, many people had come forward to claim that they were the one Tang Yi-Bai had spoken of. These were even less believable...

Among these self-claims, one came from the verified account with the ID "Reporter Yun Duo". The account shared Tang Yi-Bai's Weibo post and also claimed that she was the one mentioned. This Weibo was drowned in the vast ocean of misinformation so very few people noticed it.

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