Untitled Part 62

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Chapter 62 by ryuxenji

Yun Duo called her mother to make peace. It was quite easy to cajole her mother back into good spirits. She said, "Mum, don't be mad. I forgot to tell you. I have a boyfriend now."

Mama Yun's attention was successfully shifted to a different track. She fired off questions like bullets, "Really? Where's he from? How old is he? What does he do for a living? What's his monthly salary? What does he look like? Is he tall? Do you have a photo?"

She asked all these questions in one long breath, leaving Yun Duo in a daze. "Mum..."

Mama Yun was a little rueful. "Duoduo, you didn't go out and find a random boyfriend just to reassure me, right? You don't have to do that."

"Mum... what are you thinking of..." Yun Duo was really impressed by the strange twists of her mother's mind. "I'll send you his photo so you can take a look for yourself."


Yun Duo found a charming shot of Tang Yi-Bai and sent it over, and she then immediately received a call from her mother.

Her mother bellowed over the phone, "This is Tang Yi-Bai! I remember him. You said you liked him last time, but he's a superstar, a champion! He's your boyfriend just because you say he is? You think I'm an idiot? He said he has no girlfriend in his interview."

Mum, he really is my boyfriend. That interview is outdated."

Mama Yun's voice became filled with worry and concern. "Duoduo, why don't you go see a psychologist? What if..." What if she was delusional?!

Yun Duo looked for another picture and send it to her mother. It was the photo she took together with Tang Yi-Bai at the gymnasium of his university.

Her mother still did not believe her even after seeing the photo. "This photo can't prove anything. You're a reporter, so it's not strange for you to have a photo or two with Tang Yi-Bai."

Mum, why are so sharp?

Yun Duo could only say, "The next time I see him, I'll send you another photo."

"Hehe, I'll be waiting."

At 8 o'clock that night, Yun Duo gave Er-Bai a bath. Making him become a true . Er-Bai did not like baths, but he did not dare fight back when Yun Duo held him down to bathe him. He only whined piteously, eliciting sympathy. But no matter how pitiful he was, he still needed a bath!

Afterwards, Yun Duo used a hair dryer to dry his fur. As she was finishing up, Madam Lu knocked on the bathroom door. "Yun Duo, there's a call for you. It's from Doudou," she said, passing her a cell phone.

"Oh? Thanks, Auntie!" Yun Duo took the phone and turned off the hair dryer. "Hello?"

"Yun Duo, what're you doing?"

"I'm blow-drying Er-Bai's fur. He's being a good boy." Yun Duo scratched Er-Bai on the neck. "Right, Er-Bai?"

Er-Bai turned his head away: No!

"Come out for a bit."

Yun Duo was confused. "What?"

"Come out, I'm right outside."

Yun Duo did not ask anything more, pushing Er-Bai aside to go out.

Tang Yi-Bai was standing under a street lamp and he watched as Yun Duo ran towards him. Under the pale-yellow light of the street lamp, his gaze was as gentle as the calm flow of a river.

Yun Duo ran up to him, and just as she was about to brake and stop, Tang Yi-Bai took a step forwards, just in time for her to crash into his arms.

Yun Duo, "..." How did it turn into leaping into his arms just like that?!

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