Chapter Thirty-Three

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Three days have passed since this plan was created, and now the day has finally come. I, Iris Blackwood, am going on a road trip. Again. The dream team this time consists of myself, Jonas, Colton, Bently, and against Colton's wishes, the civilians, with the exception of Kaitlyn. Bently petitioned for Z to join, but his babysitter, me, wasn't available. Jonas wants to keep on eye on Anna and Thea, and we all decided Gwen could use having a girl at the Estate. Plus I just can't stand Kaitlyn. We already had the wonderous experience of trying to figure out where to go without the maps lining up, especially because we only had one of the maps. Bently had the great idea that if we went in the general direction, we should get there eventually, right? Thea's eyes went wide, and after a moment of realization, we had our coordinates, thanks to a blade disguised as a necklace. After Colton and Aiden's fight over who would take the wheel, Colton winning, we started on the road. I now sit next to Jonas, my head on his shoulder, listening to Bently whisper-scream through the phone in the passenger seat.

"Bently," a woman who is most likely Abella yells. "I am currently on a plane to Elleany. What do you mean you're going on a road trip?"

"I mean I am no longer at the Estate and don't know when I'll be back."

"What kind of person decides to have a spontaneous road trip when someone is flying in from another continent specifically to see them?"

"It wasn't spontaneous, my dear. The plans were thought up days ago." Abella yells something in French. Jonas almost covers my ears. "Why don't you spend the day with Vienna? She's locked up at the Estate without Colton anyways." Colton, Jonas, and I stare at him. Bently rolls his eyes and closes the partition blocking us from the rest of his conversation.

"He does realize she's not at the Estate, right?" I ask Jonas. He shakes his head.

"Maybe you should tell Abella where she can find her."

"That would involve knowing where that is." He rolls his eyes, brushing his fingers through my hair.

"My ravishing rebel. What am I going to do with you?" I kiss him, giving him a coy smile, then return my head to its rightful place on his shoulder. My eyes fall on Aiden and Thea, who have sat turned to face each other, holding hands.

"Aiden," Thea says. "Julian would never let anything happen to them, right Anna?" Anna nods, perking up at what's presumably her boyfriend's name.

"Thea, we've been missing for twelve days. After the year the twins have had..." Aiden lowers his voice, glancing over to us, then back to Thea. "Less then a month ago they were kidnapped by a psychopathic serial killer. Mason was shot." He lowers his voice even more. "I killed a man."

"And that's all over now. I'm sure they've been playing video games and eating sugar cereal nonstop." Aiden almost shivers at the words 'sugar cereal.'

"I miss those monkeys," Noah says quietly.

"What do you think will be at King City?" Anna asks, changing the subject. We told them the plan, without telling them any reasoning. Two of them already know Jonas' Date, we don't need them knowing they've been around aliens for the past week and a half too. Jonas shifts in his seat.

"A warehouse," he says. "Most likely abandoned. Possibly a safe house." Knowing my family. I sit up, look at the teens, then back to Jonas.

"Did you just suggest Erik?"

"No, I didn't." I attempt to raise an eyebrow. He smiles, knowing I can't. "Erik... isn't in the country."

"I hope you're right."

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