Chapter 6: The Sixth Year

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"DongDong, come look, how's this place." Hai Ruo sat cross-legged on the sofa, poking at the tablet in her hands. This year she listened to a recommendation from one of her coworkers, and got a pair of radiation-proof glasses, the thin sliver rimmed glasses fitted atop her nose bridge, adding a part to her intellectual beauty.

Sometimes she would use hot rollers on her long hair making it curly, looking even more mature. DongDong heard her asking, lightly and gently jumping onto her knees, nesting on her crossed legs, then looked.

They were picking out this year's vacation spot.

This is also considered a reserved project at home, the schedule arranged for liberal arts professors are not the same as those in the science and engineering department, as soon as an experiment starts it would be without end.

Now it's the end of winter vacation, the new book has also started with few ideas, friends have also gathered quite a few times happily chatting about what the name of their future godson would be, auntie also took some time off this year, saying that she wants to find a spot to relax with them.

"So, how about we go to the hot springs." Looking at the recommendation on the forum, Hai Ruo stared at DongDong with a pair of shining eyes.

DongDong silently thought about how Hai Ruo would be wrapped in a big towel soaking in the hot springs, and that underneath the steam her face flushing up.

Silently swallowing.

It's a rare chance, where they would be alone during the afternoon, no one bothering them, they both wouldn't want to go out, just staying in the warmly heated room, listening to music, and planning their travels for days afterward.

There's nothing more perfect than this.

So at this time when the downstairs was a bit restless it was quite embarrassing, DongDong (Chu Chengyu) used so much energy to the point of feeling deathly in the toilet pushing it out, then rubbed on his own dedicated thick towel, rolled on it, cleaning the whole body.

These few years every time his impulses get to the better of him he always goes through with this routine, fortunately his self-discipline is still pretty good, his impulses only happening a few times.

Only that the times when facing Hai Ruo unconsciously the temptation, is a bit...hard to control.

He wasn't the only one who couldn't hold back, that woman named Xu Jing always has on a covetous look, making it that he can't help but be on alert.

Time really flies by extremely fast, when Xu Jing just came back from exchange she was still just a graduate student, now its already almost time for her to graduate, revising her graduation thesis over and over all day, from time to time using this and that excuses pestering Hai Ruo, he watched this coldly from the side, could not be any more of an eyesore.

But, he is sure, that Hai Ruo still puts him as her first priority.

After being soaked by the heavy rain last year, he caught a small cold, almost contracting pneumonia, in the end it was Hai Ruo who felt the most distressed.

Since then she has almost never separated from him, even taking him to classes, mostly eating at home, or finding a restaurant where they allow pets inside, if she is forced to go herself, she would pledge:

I would never abandon you, I am only going out for a little while, I swear.

If this goes on, DongDong feels that he would get drowned in this feeling of steady security.

Lots of people have jokingly asked Hai Ruo, "If you spoil your pet like this, your future husband will get jealous."

Hai Ruo would always reply back smiling, "Having him is enough, not changing him even for a good man."

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