Chapter 3: The Third Year

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In a blink of an eye, with my goddess master reading books going through ups and downs another year passed, and this fall, the real test for DongDong (Chu Chengyu) becoming a cat has only just truly arrived.

Things should have happened like this, before telling the events in the order of the timeline, let's have a look at the popular science of cat's habits.

Zhao Zhongxiang on Animal World, using his deep and soft magnetically charming voice stated: Look, the lions are、、in heat.

In、、The estrus is probably one of the most special periods any higher animal would have to go through, to survive and multiply, it is dominated under the control of the pituitary gland, one after another falling into this madness, even human beings are unable to override this law, there will always be that excerpt of time where there's the feeling of impulse. Especially for cats, let's say, every time around spring and summer, when you are sleeping peacefully and all of sudden get startled awake by heart-piercing screams, don't call 110 yet, first make sure: is it making a baby?

During this period the cat is indeed aren't a cat and won't know if the cat is happy or sad, won't make too much evaluation here, most owners would choose the sterilization surgery as a way to solve this problem, of course, Hai Ruo also has this type of thought.

"But DongDong, you are already two years old and still not in estrus, is this normal?"

Before Hai Ruo wanted to take DongDong to Doctor Wang once and for all, but DongDong's inside lives Chu Chengyu who although a bit cold is a respectable gentleman, its one thing that the bottom part has not been really used, but it still could not be severed, that is absolutely intolerable.

So during the first time, when he was a little over one year old, Dongdong went on a hunger strike, and was cold all day to Hai Ruo——this was his heavenly record.

"Fine let's leave it at that for now, but it does seem like DongDong doesn't have any signs, could it be cats can be apathetic too? Hai Ruo muttered to herself, then pushed the issue to the back of her brain, continuing her interest back on compiling new interpretations of ancient texts.

This matter was pushed back for several months due to DongDong's prudent manner, until one morning a few days ago.

This could be said to be a fine autumn day, it happened to be the weekend, Hai Ruo's course this weekend had quite the tension, she just held an autograph signing for the book she recently wrote, the scene was quite crowded, it intensely tired her out, even neglecting DongDong.

DongDong expressed, but didn't know why, feelings of dejection.

Because Hai Ruo's schedule at another city was packed so tight, there was no way to take care of him, DongDong was left at home——as he didn't want to be locked in Doctor Wang's cramped pet compartments, making him feel that all his previous memories regarding people were all illusions he imagined up.

He once had a rare interest in certain philosophy theories, for example, he could not prove that the world he was currently in was not created just last Thursday, or, he could not prove, that the surroundings around him right now were not a part of his imagination.

In other words to say so simply and straightforwardly, he was starting to lose his sense of reality.

Being under the control of this feeling, what hadn't happened for a long time, he fell whilst walking, as he really had forgotten which limb to move first.

Pacing around in an empty room, turning on the television and subconsciously watching a musical, DongDong suddenly felt that there was something not right——before long, to him the television's main function was to collect financial information, the only variety show (for him anyway) were reports on financial traps and economic frauds, it could even make him leak out a few bits of laughter.

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