Chapter 8 "Take care of you"

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I could so see Lexa singing the song above.

Chapter 8 "Take care of you"

Lexa's POV

     It's been almost a month since Finn showed back up and he hasn't been seen since then. Indra and Lincoln believe that someone has to be helping him. There is no other way that he can just vanish like he has. They also say that it is just a matter of time before he slips up. All this has me on edge. I just want Clarke safe.

     I have just finished training for the day. It's been awhile since I hit the course, but I didn't want to leave Clarke alone, for that long. It's over an hour drive from the house and Clarke is more important to me than training anyways. I can live without ever setting foot on the course ever again. I could never live in a world that didn't have Clarke.

     After I do my finishing stretches Ronnie comes over with a bottle of water and a towel. Taking the towel, I wipe the sweat from my face chest. Ryder sent her with me today. If I had a choice, I wouldn't have any guards, but if that is what it takes for Clarke to agree to them, then I will gladly have a hundred guards. It does help that everyone of them are family to me.

     I know my cousin though, she didn't just bring me the water so that I could hydrate. Ronnie wants to talk. I knew she would, "So tell me all about Clarke." She says.

     "Not too much to say." I tell her.

     "Oh come on, dear cousin. I think there is plenty to say." She says.

     "She ran into me at the qualifiers, like literally. It was like a bolt of lightning hit me, and I just knew." I say.

     I am playing with the label on the water bottle, when she takes it away and takes a drink. "That was what, six months ago? How do you know she won't be like Costia?" She asks.

     "She is nothing like Costia." I say while glaring at her.

     "Touchy, touchy. Look I like Clarke, I really do, but she has been through a lot and she is still going through it. Is she really ready to be with anyone?" She asks.

     "I don't know if she is, not really, but none of that matters to me. Right now the only thing I am worried about is her being safe and making that bastard pay. She might not ever be ready and that is ok. I will be whatever she needs, whenever she needs me." I tell her.

     "You have got it bad. However, I think she does as well. Then again I know something about Clarke that you do not." She says with a shit eating grin on her face.

     My face drops at that, "Clarke doesn't talk to many people about her past. What is it that you think you know that I don't know?" I ask her.

     "It took me a few days, after meeting her this time, but I finally remembered where I knew her from. It's those eyes of hers, not something that you can truly forget. They are just so intense, you can almost see everything she is feeling just by looking in them for a while." She says.

     As I played her words in my mind, one word kept coming up in my mind, over and over again. "You remember her. That means you have met her before last month. When did you meet her?"I ask Ronnie, after taking the water bottle back.

     She laughed at that, she actually laughed. Shaking her head she says, "Once upon a time a baby gay was born. Her mother had a friend who was a surgeon. One day that surgeon came to visit with her family. She had a daughter with hair the color of gold and eyes as blue as the deep deep ocean. It took one kiss on the cheek, and I knew. Both girls were wearing big smiles, cheeks crimson, and not from the heat of the sun. And that is the day my cousin became a baby gay."

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