Chapter 4 "Commander squishy"

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Chapter 4 "Commander Squishy"

Lexa's POV

     I couldn't be happier, Clarke and I have been texting for a few weeks now and finally after the second time that I asked her, she agreed to a date. I am not sure that I want to know all of her past. What I do know is that she was hurt badly. 

     As to the extent of that, I know knowing will just break my heart. It makes me so angry that someone could do anything to ever hurt this amazing soul. However, I want to know everything about her.

     I can tell Anya isn't too thrilled about Clarke, she keeps telling me to go slow and I know that I have to. Though I know in my heart that she is the one, from the first moment that I looked into her eyes. I can wait, it takes as long as it takes.

     I have what I believe is the perfect date planned, now I just have to worry about the clothes. Black jeans, check, there the pale green button shirt that Anya said brings out my eyes, when I tried it on at the store. I know the perfect pair, Nike gifted me a pair of Maklemore Air Jordans, for making the finals, last week. They match my shirt perfectly.

     After dressing, I go to the kitchen and get the flowers that I bought for Clarke a few hours ago. I spent almost four hours talking to the owner of the flower shop, Luna. 

     I wanted to find the perfect ones and that meant that I had to know what each flower and color meant. I really hope she likes the bouquet of orange orchids that I got her. They truly show the beauty and strength that I see in her, as well as the hope that I have for us in the future. 

     I grab the keys to my Jeep Rubicon, and Anya comes out of her room. "Are you sure about this, Lex. It might not be good to take someone on the first date to a homeless shelter." Anya says.

     "She wanted to go today and I can't cancel. The kids were so looking forward to it." I tell her.

     "I know, and don't worry, I will set up for later. Everything will be just how you wanted it." She tells me.

     I give her a quick hug and say, "Thanks, An. I better go or I will be late."

     I walk out the door to the Jeep and head to Clarke's house. I can't believe she lives no more than fifteen minutes, on the same beach that we do. As I pull up in front of her house, I take one more look in the mirror and say, "You can do this. This is something she will enjoy."

     I hop out, head to the door and knock two times. Raven opens the door with a shit eating grin, looks down at my orchids and says, "Hey commander, are those for me. You really shouldn't have."

     I pull the flowers back and she steps out of the way, as I walk in. "The flowers are for Clarke. How are you, Raven?" I ask her.

     Raven shakes her head, while walking to the kitchen, "I can't complain. I will get some water for those. Clarke should be out in a minute. She's been walking on air all day waiting for you."

     I smile and say, "Good to know that I am not the only one."

     She grabs my hand, pulls me farther into the kitchen and whispers, "Ok, here is the thing, I like you. I think you might be good for her, so please don't prove me wrong. Clarke can't take getting hurt again and that's all I am going to say about it."

     I close my eyes for a moment, as Raven let's go of my hand and say, "Raven, I have no intention of ever hurting her. I know she hasn't had it easy. For now I just want to get to know more about her. I really like Clarke, like more than you can imagine."

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