Chapter 5 "The pain of the past has a way of resurfacing"

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Chapter 5 "The pain of the past has a way of resurfacing"

Ok, before you read this chapter, I want to give one more warning. This chapter contains graphic violence and mentions even more, including rape. If you need to skip it please do. I can give you a synopsis if you would like. 

Clarke's POV

     I am just finishing my makeup now. Lexa and I have been going on dates for a few months now. It's hard to believe that it hasn't been longer. I feel like I have known her my whole life, but that isn't the case. The way she treats me is a lot like, how my dad treats my mom. I miss them, everyday. 

     I want to let her in, I really do. I am thinking maybe tonight, but just how much do I tell her? If I tell her everything, will she run for the hills? Most people would, but Lexa seems different. She already knows bits and pieces, just not the whole story. 

     I smile as I hear knocking at the door. I didn't hear Lexa's Jeep pull in. I must have been too much into my thoughts. After I make my way to the door, I peer through the hole and my stomach drops. No, not now, it can't be. I barely make two steps before the door is crashing open. 

     I freeze as he advances towards me, with a smirk on his face. "I finally found you, you stupid slut."

     He slams me into the painting on the wall, splintering the wood. "Finn." I whisper.

     Holding me up by my neck, he reaches down with his other hand, already unbuckling my jeans, and palming me over my panties. "That's right, daddy is here, and the princess has been bad. Did you forget everything that I ever told you? Did you forget that you are mine?" He yells.

     He pulls his hand out of my jeans and punches me. I shake my head and mumble, "No, I didn't forget."

     He flings me across the room, my head just missing the door to the kitchen. He flips the couch over and yells, "You forgot. It's all over Twitter. Did you really think that I wouldn't find you?"

     He kicks me in the stomach, leans down and whispers, "I know that bitch is coming tonight. Get rid of her, or I will."

     He kicks me in the stomach, turns and walks out the backdoor. I stand up, swaying on my feet. I have to pack, I have to leave. Shakily I make it down the hall to my room, grabbing a suitcase from under the bed, haphazardly throwing clothes in it.

     In the bathroom, I grab a few things and toss them in the bag. As I am about to leave the room, glance at the photo on my nightstand and drop the bag. I walk over and pick it up, collapsing on the floor, bawling.

     I don't want to run again, but I can't have Raven hurt again, or Lexa. Omg, not Lexa. I have to go before she gets here. As I head back to the closet one more time to get my leather jacket, I freeze again. Would it matter, I think. If I leave will her come after them anyways. I just don't know what to do anymore.

     I don't even hear Lexa's Jeep pull up outside, or her frantic calls for me.

Lexa's POV

     I pull in the drive and notice Clarke's door is open. It's always locked, even when she is home. I hop out the car, grabbing the flowers that I bought Clarke this time, Lilies. I make my way to the door, and it is wide open, My smile drops, as well as the flowers, as soon as I see that the door was forced open. 

     I step into the doorway and stop, "Clarke." I call out.

     No answer, I step the rest of the way in, my heart beating in my chest a mile a minute, as I call out again, just a bit more frantic, "Clarke, are you here?"

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