Plus One

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Y/N walked out of the school entrance but was suddenly called by someone.

???:hey you!

He turned around and spots the red haired girl,Rias.

Rias:Y/N right?

He kept silent while giving her a glare.

Rias:I'll take that as a yes,we haven't properly introduced. My name is Rias Gremory.

She had her hand out but Y/N didn't shake nor grab it. He only turned around and continue walking away from school grounds.

Rias:I guess he's still mad about last time.

Y/N had decided to walk around town for a bit and catch up on what he's missed ever since he's been 'missing'. He stopped, something caught his eye. A white truck that said "Ice Cream" on it,he slightly smiled as he walked over there. The line was thankfully short and didn't last too long.

Man:what would you like sir?

He thought for a sec while looking at the orders. He pointed to the F/I/C with a smile.

Man:one F/I/C comin up.

He hummed while walking to the back of the truck and getting a F/I/C from a freezer. He handed it to him,Y/N paid then walked off with his cold snack.

???:excuse me sir!

He swore if it was that Gremory person. But once he turned around he saw a familiar blonde person with a Nun outfit. His eyes widened,it was the girl he saved yesterday,but she was with a brown haired boy.

???:it is you,thank you for saving me yesterday. God is grateful for your kindness and bravery.

She placed her hands together. He couldn't help but snicker,but his smile quickly disappeared once the brown haired boy approached the two.

Issei:who's this Asia?

Asia:this is a brave stranger that saved me from a group of sinful men.

Issei:wait a second, aren't you Y/N L/N.

He nodded.

Asia:you two know each other?

Issei:yeah, we're in the same class. Well it's nice seeing ya,but I gotta go take this little lady to try out a burg-

Asia:ooh,what's this!?

Her eyes sparkled once they met Y/N's F/I/C. He looked down at it then back up at her. He then moved it towards her but she turned away.

Asia:n-no it would be rude...

He moved it further to her.

Asia:well,if you insist.

She held it and took a bite.

Asia:mmm,so good!

Issei looked in jealousy as she took a couple more bites. Y/N only smiled as she took some more bites.

Asia:ooh,what's that!

She then points to an arcade.

Issei:that's an arcade,but what about the burg-hey!

Y/N grabbed her hand and took her too the arcade. Issei ran after them. They entered the arcade playing games until Asia had her eyes on a cute yellow mouse plushie.

Issei: something got your eye Asia.

Asia:that mouse looks adorable,may I have it?

Issei:we'll have to play a game in order to get it. But I'll get it for ya.

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