Old and New Faces Pt.2

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C'mon guys, this story is not THAT good... But if it's really worth all the commotion 👀

Y/N could be seen organizing weapons and metallic figures in his basement. Hayden was still being repaired on the counter while being hung up.

Samuel:I over heard the conversation last night...

Y/N continued organizing his stuff but made sure to listen to Hayden.

Samuel:are you not going?

He paused before turning to him with a raised eye brow. Confused on why he should go.

Samuel:I know you don't trust them,and this could most likely be a trap but it's possible we can gather Intel on how to get out of here.

Y/N only shook his head before continuing to move boxes or hang guns on the wall.

Samuel: though I did find it oddly suspicious on how the one named,Grayfia was it,knew how much we hated the devils. She knows something about you,she probably wants to lure you in.

He turns to Hayden once more and smiles, seeing on how he finally realized the point on why he should not go.

Samuel:then again,Gremory said something about her brother. It's possible Grayfia was taking orders in retrieving Rias. Something about an arranged marriage,maybe?

Y/N was clearly ignoring his possible theories.

Samuel:all I'm saying is that you should grab intel...

Y/N didn't say anything and continued to ignore him. He raises his Super Shotgun to the wall.

Samuel:there is a chance you can get a fight out of this...

He paused, thinking about what he had just said.

Samuel:unless you're too frightened of a few devils...

He tightened the barrel of the shotgun as he heard Samuels remark. He, frightened!? The Doom Slayer, The Unchained Predator,The Hell walker!?!

Hayden can hear both a groan and sigh from him as he removed his shotgun from the wall. Prompting Hayden that he was deciding to go.

Issei could be seen walking towards the ORC club house along with Asia and Kiba.

Issei: you're right I think something is bugging me.

Kiba:if I had to guess, I'd say it's either House of Gremory drama or Y/N.

Issei:hmm, speaking of which Asia are you ok after Y/N snapped?

Asia:yeah,it was just a scratch.

Issei:still,I can't believe that asshole.


Issei:like seriously,who does think he is!? One second he's all good and now he's being a total...

He pauses once they met the front of the clubhouse,only to be met with Y/N with his back against the door. He had his armor on but no helmet, showing off his low brow expression he had to Issei.

Issei:uh, w-what're you doing here?

He rolls his eyes before going back to waiting. Akeno opens the door breaking the silence.

Akeno:ah, you're all here... including you, oh goody~

Y/N just looked at her disturbed. The trio were the first to enter but Asia had her shy eyes on Y/N. She seemed hesitant to pass him but quickly stayed close to Issei. He couldn't help but smile at the fact she thought the pervert could keep her safe from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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