The Nun

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It was the weekends,and Y/N chose to sleep in but got bored of staying in bed. He walked around his house looking for something to do. First he went into the living room to play an old game called “Doom”. Then he looked at some of his action figures,he noticed some of them were missing. After,he listened to some rock albums also called “Doom”.

He decided that he'd get some lunch from the fridge but it was half empty. He sighed in disappointment,he puts on a grey jacket and blue jeans before grabbing his bag. But he paused looking at his Super Shotgun. He stared at it as if the gun was calling for him to take it. He reached for it only to stop,he shakes his head and exits the house without it.

He walks to the store with an emotionless look on his face. He grabbed himself some steak,eggs,and a few vegetables. After he paid for them he walked out of the store and back into the neighborhood. But after exiting he sees a trio of men follow a blonde girl. Y/N glared at them before following the group.

Though he didn't know what to do,call the cops or help the defense less girl. He left his shotgun back at the house...still,not like he even needed it. He drops his groceries and walks towards the group who grabs the blonde girl and pulls her into an alleyway. Y/N hurries further into the alleyway to see some the men holding her down,and the others taking out pocket knives.

Y/N clenches his fest releasing some cracks. Suddenly,one of the men caught him looking.

Man1:hey big guy,there's nothing to see here. So why don't you just leave and let us have our fun yeah?

He only stood there, menacingly,while he just stares back.

Man1:Oi,did you not here me? I said fuck off.

Y/N just kept there,eyes now on the girl who had her eyes closed. One of the men had their arms wrapped around her. Her eyes were closed with the knife at her throat.

Man2:I think he's death.

Man1:has to be,there's 4 of us and one of him.

Obviously Y/N didn't give a shit how many of them there were. Y/N then started to walk towards them slowly.

Man1:h-hey,back off man!

He ignored him and continued walking slightly faster.

Man1:I'm warning you asshole!

Y/N was now in front of him.

Man1:I warned you!

He then stabbed his knife at him but he quickly catches it. He held his arm with tight grip that grew even more tight.


He dropped his knife as his arm was growing numb. Y/N's grip was so strong that in the next few seconds a wet snap was heard.


He finally let go allowing the man to pull back his motionless hand. The other three looked in horror.

Man3:get him!

The man holding the Nun shouted.

???:sir,please run!

Man3:shut up!

He covered her mouth as the two men run at him. Y/N slightly smiles as he runs at them. He threw a powerful punch into one of the men. The impact caused a few teeth to jump out and his jaw to move far to the side. He kneed him in the stomach making blood vomit from his mouth. He then punches up into his face knocking him unconscious.

The other man ran up at him with his knife ready to pierce him into his side. But Y/N quickly dodges back and kicks him to the brick wall. Before he could recover Y/N slams into him back onto the brick wall making a man sized crater. He falls to the ground unconscious with Y/N looking down on him. Y/N then looked at the man holding the girl,he had a scarred look. The girl quickly removed his hand away from her mouth.

???: behind you sir!

Y/N quickly looked back to see the first man he beaten down charging at him with a knife in his other hand. He pierced his knife into his back with a crazed smile.

Man1:ha,how do you like it huh!?

But he paused looking at Y/N's face,which was glaring at him. He looked back down at the knife that barely even pierced his skin. Y/N quickly grabbed the man by his throat and easily lifting him up into the air. The man was choking,and all the other two could do was was watch in horror.

Y/N gripped tighter as his eyes slightly glowed red with a glowing red light under his shirt. The man passed out,Y/N started to realize what he was doing and quickly let go. The man dropped to the ground. His eyes turned back to normal and the glow under his shirt disappeared. He then turned back to the two,the man gulped then let go of the girl.

Man3:y-you know what, she's all yours man.

He then slowly walked over the unconscious bodies. He had his back against the wall while walking past Y/N. Who's eyes did not leave the man. He then ran off back into he city. The girl looked over the bodies in fear,she flinched once Y/N crept towards her.

He held his hand out at her. She stared at it for a few seconds before grabbing it. And with a light grip Y/N helped her up.

???:uh...thank you...

Y/N just stared at her before turning away and walking off.

???: b-bye.

Y/N then walked back to the spot where he dropped his groceries only to see them gone. He looks to see a man sneaking away with them. He deeply sighs before walking towards them.

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