Chapter 10 - Spiteful

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A/N: okay, apologies for taking a big unannounced hiatus, life's been doing things n mental health has been all over the place but I think I'll be updating a bit more now. Also Merry slightly early Chrimaaa!! Right then, I hope you lot enjoy :)


A good while has passed, and the taxi had arrived at Hisoka's mansion once again. You felt nervous for the night ahead, yet your anticipation was ever-growing. He didn't speak to you as he got out the car, opening the door for you with a bitter expression. You quickly hopped out, and your captor paid the taxi driver before it drove off. You stood there for a moment, looking up at him, and he returned your gaze, though looking much more annoyed, and he forcefully took your hand, speaking in a low tone as he took you in through the front doors, opened by the butlers:

"Now, you're to head straight upstairs, do you hear me...? Punishment is in order, you're not getting away with this, my sweet...~"

There was a clear sense of malice in his voice, and you quickly obeyed him, wasting no time in running up to your room, leaving the door open and placing yourself on the bed. You thought to yourself about what could go down as you looked out of the window, seeing the ground so far below lit up by the dim-shining moon. You wanted to see how far he'd go with you, yet you feared it at the same time. Your thoughts were interrupted quite quickly by the magician that you'd spent so many of your days with, and you quickly turned around, gasping slightly at the sight of his naked figure, looking down to his lower area, seeing him already hard. It didn't take long for him to climb on the bed, quickly pinning you down underneath him. You didn't say anything, you only let him take advantage of you, looking entirely helpless against him.

"Now then, my little sheep... you've wound me up to my last nerve today, haven't you...~? You won't get away with this behaviour~."

And at that, he turned you over, forcing your legs apart as he pushed out down, with you being on your hands and knees. You let out a squeak as you were held in place, ready for Hisoka to use you. It didn't take long for him to enter you, causing you to quiver from the now quite common feeling, still affected by how big he was. He gripped your hips as he started to move, not going easy on you at all, and soon enough moans started to escape you. He thrusted into you while pulling you back, filling you up with his cock.

"Don't think I'll go easy on you, my pet~"

Your face had been pushed down into the pillows below you, and your moans were muffled, yet still quite audible. You soon felt the harsh impact of his hand hitting your ass, and you yelped slightly from the pain, yet you craved more of it. You tried to say you wanted more, but the moment he heard something coming from you, he slapped you again, digging his nails into your thigh.

"If I hear another word from your pretty little mouth, you won't see the end of this night~. Do you understand me, my dear~?"

You shivered at his words, but made a sound of confirmation mixed in with a moan. You already didn't know how much longer you could hold up for, the pleasure he brought you was mind-numbing. You gripped the sheets below you, desperately trying to hold on to something as your body started to shake. It seemed as if Hisoka was also growing needy, as his thrusts got harsher, along with the noises escaping him becoming more strained as the minutes passed. Your eyes rolled back slightly as he slammed into you, mumbling various slurred phrases to yourself, so badly wanting more from him, yet being unable to take it all.

"My god, you never fail to amaze me-~"

His comment was staggered, it was clear that he was close to orgasm, and all you could do was moan out loudly, unable to form any sort of coherent speech. He firmly gripped onto you in the last few moments before he came inside you, moaning as he climaxed, which caused you to moments after, pure ecstasy taking over as he filled you up. Your breathing was staggered and heavy, and you noticed him get up shortly after pulling out. It was dark and hard to see, but you could make out an action that he was doing with his hands. You soon realised that bungee gum had been put around your hands and legs just then, restraining you entirely. You tried to thrash about a bit, but he stopped you, turning you over onto your back, but sitting you up, your hands hanging in the air, attached to something. He spoke once more before he left you in your room, his tone low:

"This is adequate to make up for what you've done...~ enjoy your night, my sweet~"

"Captive" - HxH Hisoka/Reader smut ficWhere stories live. Discover now