Chapter 13

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"Good morning, Aros." Talise's voice nearly causes me to drop my cup. She laughs at me as she enters the kitchen. I notice the roll of parchment tucked under her arm. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

"I was just leaving," I say. "And good morning."

Talise nods, her lips pursed. She wears one of her house dresses tied up around her legs. "I was hoping I'd catch you. You were so hurried yesterday, you forgot this." She pulls the roll of parchment from under her arm and hands it to me. She stares intently, waiting for me to take it. I notice dark circles under her eyes. I wonder what's been keeping her awake.

"Thank you," I say, accepting the letter from Talise. I'm itching to read it. "I should be back by evening. When Malissa wakes, make sure she changes her nightgown. And force her to eat something. If she lit a fire, stifle it."

Talise's jaw hardens and she forces a smile. "She's still unwell?" 

"She only fell ill yesterday. I went to check on her this morning and she was asleep. She's still very warm."

"I'll do what I can. But I'm no nurse," Talise says shortly. She looks like if she could, she'd ask to come along with me. "Do enjoy your day, Aros."

I nod once before taking my bag and canvas and heading out the back door. I dearly hope Talise will actually check on Malissa, even if it's solely out of care for me.

I offer Talise a tight smile and shoulder my bag. I wait until I'm outside to tear open the letter. I lean against the castle wall and smile with warmth and relief as soon as I recognize Arman's handwriting.

Good Day, Aros:

I hope you're adjusting well to your new life outside the palace. Send Malissa my best wishes as well. As for me here, I'm settling into life as King Regent. The nobles say they won't crown me officially until I've met their demands and those of the people. Though I'm doing all that I am able, I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve that that until it rains. Still, I have much more confidence in my reign than in that of the previous king. Though affairs are still tense, there is an air of calm about the palace that has been foreign for decades. I have confidence that things will change for the better soon. I believe you're familiar with my potential new secretary, Lord Damon? I understand your decision is final, and I can't begin to fathom how it could possibly be undone, but I do miss your presence. Once I rid the palace of those who plotted to harm you, the palace could be an actual home for you. I hate that you may forever be a stranger. Perhaps we could arrange a way for you to safely return for the coronation. From what I understand, Talise would enjoy that.

You must write me soon,
Your loyal friend.

My tears fall onto the page as I finish reading Arman's letter. I miss him more than anything. I miss the palace as well. I miss what it could be to me, now that Arman will make it safe. Now that my father is dead. Hopefully, the nobles will crown him soon. Though he's not a god, there's no one who could be trusted more to set things right, as much as he can without making it rain.

I wonder what Talise has told Arman about me. Kind things, I'm sure, but I hope she hasn't been as upfront with him about her feelings for me. I'm not sure how Arman would take that. Though I highly doubt he knows I love women, he'd probably still be upset that I'm lying to Talise, and that he can't tell her the truth without betraying my trust. I wonder if his loyalty to me takes precedence He looks at us both as daughters, and he knows me better than he knows his own.

I fold up the letter and put it in my pocket. I'll look at it whenever I need my spirits lifted. I don't want to be late my first day as a professional painter. As I make my way to the stables, I glance up at Talise's window. I dearly hope she checks on Malissa.

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