Chapter 5

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Over two weeks have passed. I had no idea such a mundane existence was possible. I've learned to take out bathwater. Malissa has restricted me from cooking on my own. I only want to help because there isn't much else to do. It's quite hard practicing with my sword all alone. I'm starting to miss the palace, if only because I could rest assured there would be some sort of entertainment, be it spending time with the art master or entertaining diplomats and listening to their stories.

I find Malissa in the kitchen. She stands over a heavy pot. I smell bread baking. "Are you sure you don't need help?" I question, wrapping my arms around her and standing on my toes to kiss her neck. Malissa looks up, startled. Her hair is braided in a circle around her head with a piece of linen. She wears a thin nightgown, rather than a dress.

Malissa turns around and accepts my embrace. "I'm nearly done. And besides, if you set the castle ablaze, we'll have nowhere else to go."

I roll my eyes. "I can't help you cook. I can't help you hang the laundry. I can't help milk the goats. What am I supposed to do?" I ask. Malissa lets me go and stifles the fire. Her forehead glistens with sweat.

"I'm so evil, not allowing you to do any of the chores," she gives a small laugh. "You have books to read. You could ride, paint, anything you'd like. How are you bored?"

She makes me feel like a child. I shrug. "I was going to ride this evening when it wasn't as warm. There's nothing to do here."

Malissa  removes the bread from the oven with a paddle. I sit at the table and watch her. "Life isn't all adventure and travel and fun. You've filled your head with so many stories you've disappointed yourself. And besides, for as long as we're still here, it's probably best to remain somewhat discreet." I watch as Malissa cleans up after herself, moving around the kitchen like she was born to it. She never did any of the cooking in the palace. I don't know when she would have had the time to learn.

"Then we must decide where we'll start our new lives. Or at least where we'll travel first. I meant it when I said I want to go everywhere. I'd like to see an open ocean. Sail on one."

Malissa nods head slowly. She joins me at the table with a knife for the bread and two plates of eggs and sausages. "Yes, but you can't simply purchase a boat. Normal people don't-"

"Many people own boats. Even merchants own boats. Point me in the direction of a dock, and I'll go buy one. All that's left is to decide where we wish to go."

Malissa laughs at me and rests her head on my shoulder. "Asia is a beautiful continent," she relents. "It isn't as hot."


Before my escape, I had never eaten anywhere but the palace. The tavern is so loud and crowded it reminds me of the market. I'd never drank beer before either. At the palace, I was only served wine. Malissa seems to have grown used to the grassy taste nuch quicker than me. Men slam down their mugs and shout to be served more beer. It seems too rude an action for me to copy.

"Is it always so lively?" I ask Malissa. I have to lean into her ear and shout. I push her hair away from her face so that she can hear me. She smells of lovely lavender oil. Instead of looking like a lady who works for me, she looks beautiful rich girl enjoying herself. I've never known until now how much I'd like my red dress on her.

Malissa nods. She motions for the wench to bring her another beer. "It's a tavern! Not a library. It's meant to be lively."

A group of men sing a folk song at the top of their lungs. When they finish, diners throw coins as if they're performers. I can't imagine a dinner further from the ones at the palace. I'm happy and entertained, and my father isn't drunk or striking me. My face is warm. I'm not sure whether it's from the beer, my jacket, or the tons of candles lighting the room. If my hair was still long, the back of my neck would be dripping in sweat. The entire place smells like beer, sweat, and burning wood.

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