Chapter 12

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Malissa looks off to me. She moves around the kitchen like a fly caught in honey. When she turns to remove the bread from the oven, she looks as if she's going to collapse from sheer exhaustion.

"Are you all right?" I ask. "Do you need help?"

Malissa shakes her head slowly. "No. After all, you don't know how to cook."

I roll my eyes. "Your pride is boundless. I know how to follow instructions. You don't look well. I mean, not that you don't always look beautiful, but you don't look yourself."

Malissa makes a face and sets the hot bread on the counter. "I'm fine. Perhaps I ate some bad food last night. I wouldn't be surprised if anything spoiled in this heat." I feel just fine but I decide not to point that out to Malissa, who continues to flutter around the kitchen.

Whe she passes me, I grab her arm to stop her. I place the back of my the other hand on her forehead. The nurses in the palace always did it to me when I felt ill. "You're warm."

Malissa swats my hand away from her forehead. She shivers slightly. "I've had my face over a fire for an hour, the sun is blazing outside, of course I'm hot," she snaps. Sweat soaks the hair around her face and her house dress sticks to her arms. 

"Perhaps you have a fever from sleeping in front of a fire every night," I suggest. Malissa rolls her eyes. "Sit. Please."

Malissa finds her way to a chair and accepts a drink from me. I wish we had more water, or at least something cooler for her to drink. "It's noon. There are no curtains. I'm bound to sweat."

"I know, I know. Though, it seems you're ill," I admit. "You look like you have a fever."

Malissa set her cup down with more force than necessary. on the table with indignation. "I am not ill." Her voice is quiet. 

Suddenly, I realize why Malissa is so adamantly denying her illness. Fever took her parents. I wrap my arms around her shoulders and kiss her forehead. "Don't worry. You'll be fine," I promise her. "But only if you rest. Let me take care of everything."

One of Malissa's warm hands rests on my arm. "I've never been ill," she insists. "It's only the heat getting to me. At most, I'm exhausted from having to maintain the castle. It's a lot of work." Though I know she isn't being accusatory, I do feel guilty that Talise and I sit around while Malissa does the cooking and cleaning. I have to remind myself she never lets us help. Truthfully, I don't think Talise has ever offered. 

"I told you I'll handle everything for you today," I say gently. "And perhaps go into town and buy you some medicine or some tea?"

"I'm warm enough. I was supposed to pick up the washing", Malissa reminds me bitterly. Even if she weren't sweating profusely, I can tell by the dullness in her eyes she feels terrible. Her typical flowery, herbal smell is replaced by sweat and charcoal. Instead of her usualy braid, her hair is tied behind her lazily.

"I can pick up the washing," I promise Malissa. 

"But you can't carry it yourself."

I'm quiet for a moment, debating mentioning the obvious solution. "I suppose I'll have to ask Talise to come with me." I'm not eager to speak to her after last night. But for Malissa's sake, I'll do what I need.

Malissa opens her mouth to protest- "I'm well enough to-"

"You aren't well enough to do anything but lie down. And we need our clothes."

Malissa purses her lips. Still, she stands. I take her hand and lead her upstairs. She walks slowly, her steps heavy. When we make it upstairs, I don't hear anything coming from Talise's room. I haven't seen her all day. For once, she's avoiding me.

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