Chapter 6

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The way Johnny's long fingers smoothed my hair but subtly brushed against my scalp was heaven. It was a welcome distraction. Amongst all of the chaos going on around me I found solace in this moment.

I clung to him and squeezed his huge upper arms tightly to show how much I appreciated his comfort and support.

'I'm so sorry to put this all on you. I know how you feel about me and I'm not being fair'. I cried.

'I'm a big boy Hannah I can take care of myself. Don't concern yourself with my feelings. Let me worry about you'. His words were soothing and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

'I don't know what I'm going to do'. I whispered shaking my head. He held on to my shoulders and gave me a small smile.

'Well first things first. I'm going to go into the office and tell them we have a meeting off site this afternoon. You are going to drive your car home and I'll follow and then I'm taking you out for some proper lunch'. He pulled a face at my sandwich bag. I went to protest.

'For once you'll do as you're told'. He raised his eyebrow at me and I let out a dry laugh.

'I don't think I'll be able to eat anything. My stomach is in knots'. I sighed. He nodded.

'Well coffee and a biscuit it is then'. He grinned at me.

'Deal'. I smiled at him. I was exhausted as I pulled out of the car park and headed towards my house. Johnny's Range Rover followed quickly behind me.

My mind was spinning now that I was on my own. Where the fuck was Liam? Where had he slept? What had he been doing? Oh god was he with Sam? My stomach churned even harder as I pondered these questions.

Was this a good idea spending time with Johnny? Was it fair to him? Liam would go absolutely ape shit if he found out. It would probably finish us.

Well he wasn't here and he was letting me pick up the pieces yet again. Fuck him. Anger was consuming me.

Was he out there now taking drugs? I thought about calling Paul. No I didn't have the strength to chase him. I was going to focus on myself and what I was going to do about this whole situation.

I parked up and quickly jumped into Johnny's car. I pondered if Liam would see me, but at this point I couldn't care less, he had hurt me once again.

Johnny weaved through the traffic for about fifteen minutes before pulling up in front of a quaint little café on the side of a country road. It was painted all white and the inside was all wooden décor with a log burner fire to the left and the bar at the front.

Johnny ushered me to a table in the corner near the window and let me have the couch seat. I smiled at his courteous action. A waiter came over and we ordered two coffees and two cakes.

He drummed his fingers on the table and cocked his head inspecting me. I had perked up slightly but I was still in inner turmoil. I looked away from him and checked my phone. Still nothing.

Where the fuck was he?

'What are you thinking about?' Johnny asked.

'Liam'. I sighed chewing my lip. 'We had a... fight and I haven't heard from him.' The guilt I felt at discussing our relationship with Johnny started to gnaw at me again but I pushed it away.

'Was the fight about the baby?' His brows softened and he clasped his hands together on the top of the table. My eyes flickered to them remembering how good they felt on my body. I shuddered and sat up straight ridding myself of my guilty thoughts.

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