Chapter 4

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Three weeks has passed since Liam and I had found out about the pregnancy. We had been trying hard to begin the relationship again but the recent revelation had been proving hard to come to terms with.

Liam had been overly attentive; insisting that he drop and pick me up from work, having my tea ready when I got home and generally being extremely sweet. He was trying really hard and I loved him dearly for it, despite the fact I was still struggling with the bombshell.

He had been trying to distract me with sex but I didn't mind as we were making up for lost time and I couldn't get enough of him.

Johnny had barely been in work and I hadn't heard from him; half of me was grateful but the other half wanted to explain things to him. I wondered what he would think of me.

I shook off thoughts of him and glanced behind me at Liam's naked body sound asleep in my bed. I was tempted to get back in and wake him up so that he could make love to me but I was running slightly late for work.

I would leave him to sleep in today as it was his day off; careful not to wake him, I finished up my makeup and crept out of my bedroom. I grabbed my lunch bag and smoothed down my cream suit as I locked my front door and got into my car.

I blasted my music as I made the familiar country back lanes towards the office. My thoughts wandered to Kate. The practical stranger who had shook my whole world. I shuddered thinking of her heavily pregnant stomach and I turned down the music feeling overwhelmed.

So far Liam and I hadn't had gotten into too much detail about what was going to happen. We had been too busy rediscovering each others bodies.

I felt naive as I thought about it properly. We hadn't even talked about it. We really needed to, I thought bitterly. The amount of turbulence that had been going on this last year was taking its toll and I really didn't think I had it in me to face up to this yet.

I pondered these thoughts as I sat down at my desk with my morning cup of tea. As I logged on I spied Johnny's Range Rover pull into the car park. It made my skin prickle and I shivered.

What would I say to him?

As soon as he entered the room his eyes locked on to mine and his large frame stopped at the edge of my desk. His face displayed a neutral expression and I couldn't work out his mood, this unsettled me.

His hair was longer than ever and he was wearing a pale grey suit and a black tie. I wasn't indifferent to him; the sight of him still raised my pulse but it I felt removed from him, my whole body ached for Liam and my loyalty towards him was as strong as it had been when we were first together.

Nobody compared to him not even the beautiful man stood in front of me.

'Hi'. I said awkwardly. I felt strange speaking to him now that I was back with Liam. I didn't know how to be; even speaking to Johnny professionally made me feel slight guilt and I knew it was because he still affected me.

'Hello'. He said expressionless. His eyes cascaded across my face and body and he looked like he had never seen me before.

Maybe he was over me.

'How have you been?' I scratched my wrist nervously and the side of his mouth pulled.

'Busy. Yourself?' He gave me a tight smile and I could feel the distance between us.

'Yes... busy'. I offered a smile back but it felt forced. This was ridiculous.

'Well... I'd best get on Miss Williams...' He started to walk towards his office when I interrupted him.

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