Fake Love | Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

Luke had gotten pushed into another group of people, as they started to shout his name. I rolled my eyes, heading to what seemed to be the kitchen. I grabbed a red solo cup from off the counter, bringing it to my lips. The burning sensation of vodka and lemonade rushed down my throat.

A few hours had passed since we arrived. I wasn't drunk but a little tipsy.. It seemed to be i was the only one who would know what two plus two equaled. I was currently at the outside bonfire, two of the more bulk man had created. It was badly maintained and the smoke was creating a cloud of darkness. Although the heat from the bon fire warmed my body. The flames flickered in my eyes, i quickly took a step back. Fear from my child hood striking me. The flash back from when i was young began to play around me.

I was awoken to my mother screaming my name. I jumped up in fright as i realised dark smoke began to fill my room. I quickly pulled the covers off my body. My teddy bear was held tight to my chest, as i pushed open my bedroom door. It felt like i was burning in an oven as the toxins filled my lungs.

"Mum! Dad!" i screamed in terror. As fires began to burn around me.

"Maddie!" I heard my mother cry out to me. I ran over to her, tears welling up in my eyes. She fell to her knees, as she began to cough uncontrollably. I held my breathe so i wouldn't breathe in the deep dark smoke. "Maddie, please get out of here. I'll be out in a second" she managed to spit out. I shook my head as tears fell from my eyes.

"Mum, please, please get up".

I soon heard Jasper, crying out for us. "Maddie! Madd! Where are you?" he yelled, followed by my cough. I soon saw him pulling through the smoke. "Mum! Are you ok?" he screamed.

"Jasper, listen to me. Get you and your sister out of here now" she demanded.

"Please get up, I'm not leaving you" he begged. I took a deep breathe, trying to contain my tears. it just ended up with me coughing like crazy.

"Its ok Jasper, i'll be out soon" she spoke almost a whisper her eyes flickering shut. I soon felt Jasper's arm wrap around me as he ran down the hall to the door.

"No jasper! No, we have to get mummy and daddy" i sobbed.

"Its ok, little one. They will be out soon" he said trying to hold the tears that were dribbling down his cheeks. I buried my head into his shoulder as he knocked down the half burnt door.

There were sirens, and fire fighters everywhere. I was removed from my brother arms, as a nurse ran me over to an ambulance. "Jasper" i screamed.

"Its gonna be ok, Maddie" he called in response,

"My mum and dad are still in there" i yelled to the nurse.

"The fire fighters are going to get them out, sweetie. But i need to know if you are ok? Is your breathing ok?" she asked question after question. Before silence, filled the neighbourhood. I watched as my home, collapsed... Soon followed by screams and cries of my neighbours. The parents who cared and loved me, were gone. The house and all my persuasions burnt to a crisp. That was the night my life was going to completely change.

I stumbled back, falling to the over grown grass. People around me giving me strange looks full of concern. I soon realised i was now hyperventilating.

Shit. I was getting a panic attack.

I felt tears fill my eyes, as my hands began to shake uncontrollably. "Maddie, hey, are you ok?" I heard Luke ask at almost a whisper.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and buried my head into my hands. Trying to calm myself, but it was useless. People were now starring at me.. I soon felt two strong arms pick me up bridal style. I looked up at Luke, who was carrying me up the stares. He pressed a soft kiss to my head telling me to calm down.

Luke placed me on the bed. I rubbed my shoulders, trying to take my mind away from the fear. "Madd, whats wrong! I-I don't know what to do" Luke stressed pacing back and forth. "Oh my god! You're having a panic attack, aren't you!" he said face palming. I nodded, as tears fell from my eyes. He left the room as quickly as he could.

Great, now I'm all alone. I thought to myself, but moments later Luke was walking over to me with my anti-anxiety pills. "Here, gorgeous" Luke whispered, I shook my head pushing his hand away. I hated taking them, it made me feel weak. "Please, they make you feel better".

I sighed, dry swallowing the pills. Luke sat behind me, wrapping his arms around me. i leaned into the back of his chest, wiping my tears. He planted several kisses to my cheeks "its ok Maddie, you're ok" he mumbled with sadness in his tone. My breathes soon came to a natural speed my heart was still a little unsteady. "You better now?"

"Yeah.. I'm sorry about that its jus-" he cut me off.

"Don't be sorry, you have nothing to apologise about. People have anxiety, its not your fault. Just as long as you're ok".

"Yeah I'm good, kinda used to them.. Hey Luke, thanks for that. Actually looking after me, no one really does that, ever" i shrugged.

"Well I gotta look after you, for all you are my girlfriend" he chuckled, tightening his grip.


"What about not fake" he whispered.

"What?" i asked my eyes widened.

"What about... My real girlfriend" I felt him tense.

"I d-don't know Luke...I'm not the best at relationships" i mumbled.

"I really like you Maddie.. And you can say no, it won't change anything because i think, i think, i-i'm falling for you" he spoke in a rush as he stuttered.

I sat up, turning my head to face him. "You wha-" he cut me off as his lips pressed against mine. I smiled into the kiss as our lips moved in perfect sync.

Chapter 15!

I think this is my favoruite chapter so far. Also now you know a little more about Maddie's back story..

Hope you guys are enjoying the story and thank you so much for over 1k reads!!

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love you x

Fake love // Luke HemmingWhere stories live. Discover now