Chapter 5: Identities Revealed

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Chloe's Point Of View

I was giving Pollen some honey right after I finished my homework when I heard some one open the door. Marinette came in wearing a black spaghetti strap top, red shorts that faded to white and black combat boots. Her hair was in a braid.

She threw something to me and I caught it. It was the same outfit. But the red was yellow. I dressed and we went downstairs.

"Mom, we are going for patrol. Ella, I know you want to join" Mari said.

"Okay. Be safe" Aunt Bri said.

We ran to Ella's room and was amazed. Her room was just like mine but the yellow was pink. On the carpet were mice. We gave her the same outfit but the yellow was pink.

"Ella, Catch" Mari said as she threw the mouse miraculous to Ella.

"Thanks. I haven't seen Mullo in a while" she said as she put on the necklace.

"Hey Isabella" Mullo squealed.

"Hey. Mullo, get squeaky" she said as she transformed into multi-mouse.

Her outfit was just like Marinette's, except she had blonde hair and grey eyes.

"Pollen, Buzz on/ Tikki, Spots on" Mari and I said as we transformed into Ladybug and Queen Bee.

We jumped out the window and were running of the roofs when we run into Robin, Red Robin and Batman.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Batman asks in his Batman voice and a glare.

"Heroes in a different country. Here for a vacation" LB said with her own glare.

I noticed that Red Robin and Rodin were looking at us. I looked at them and realised that they were the Waynes in school.

"Mari-bug. Wayne and Drake are Robin and Red Robin" I whispered in her ear.

"Hmmm. It's nice to see you again, شيطان (Demon)" LB said with a smirk.

Robin looked shocked.

"So as well, Anderson" Robin said.

"So the bats are the Waynes" MM said.

"So you three are the daughters of Bridgette Anderson" Red Robin asks.

"Nope. The two are. I'm just a family friend" I said.

"I bet you are not even good at gymnastics" Robin snickered.

"Don't underestimate the power of the miraculous, Wayne" Mari said with venom.

I saw that LB was fuming.

"Ran!" I shouted.

She immediately created a really large blaster and aimed it at Robin.

"Ha. Just a joke" Robin said.

By that time, We all apart from LB and Robin were behind a wall.

Isabella's Point Of View

"Is there a way to stop her?" Batman asks as he watches LB chase an exhausted Robin.

"We have to immobilise her" QB said.

"How do we do that?" Red Robin asks.

"Venom!" QB yelled.

"Why don't you use your human one?" I asked.

"This one is more effective" she said.

"Will you imbeciles help me our just stand there" Robin yells.

QB headed towards Ladybug and froze her. Robin then came towards us panting. I took her earring and unfroze her.

"She told you to not underestimate the power of the miraculous" I said.

"She's powerless against me without her earrings" He said.

"Robin, you are grounded for three weeks. No more crime fighting for you" Batman said.

Mari smirked as Robin, Red Robin and Batman left.

"Mari what did you do" I asked.

"Oh just added a little something to his suit" she said.

Third Person's Point Of View

"Father, I can't take off my suit!" Robin yelled.

Bruce came down with the rest and saw Damien struggling to remove his suit.

"So this was what Marinette was saying" Dick said.

"She used magic to glue the suit to your body after your big... ahem... argument. You have to apologize to remove it" Alfred said.

"Tt, yeah right. I'm not apologizing" Robin said.

"Mm. Then you will be stuck in you suit then" Jason said.

They all began to leave.

"Fine. I will. But I'll regret this" Robin said.

Damien's Point Of View

I sighed as B knocked on Anderson's window. She was sitting down talking to a red floating insect.

"Hello" she said "I see you found my trick"

"Yeah. Demon-Spawn is here to apologize" Drake

"Hmm. Let's see how that goes" she smirked.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

"What was that?" Grayson asked.

"I. SAID. I. AM. SORRY" I shouted.

Suddenly Anderson No. 2 and Bourgeois came crushing through the door.

"Mari! What is going on" she said.

"Oh, Wayne decided to apologize" She said.

"Anyway. We will be heading home" Todd says.

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