Chapter 2: Finally Free

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Marinette's Point Of View

I woke up to Chloe, Tikki and Pollen shouting.

"Wakker worden, Nettie( Wake up)" They shouted.

I immediately got up and fell down.

"Come on Mari get up" Chloe said as she helped me get up.

"Hurry up, we only have one hour" I said and flew to my bathroom.

After bathing, I dressed and put my hair in a ponytail. I wore a black crop top, red shorts and black knee high boots and a red handbag. I applied black eye-shadow and red lip gloss. I commanded an army of ladybugs and they carried my bags for me. I flew out of the room and saw Chloe floating with bees behind her carrying her bags. She was wearing a black crop top, yellow shorts, black knee high boots and a yellow handbag. She had applied black eye-shadow and pink lip gloss. Her hair was also in a ponytail

"I was just about to call you" she said.

The Kwamis entered our purses as a group of bees took the miracle box. It landed in my hands and we left.

In François Dupont

Adrien's Point Of View

We were in class waiting for Marinette. If only she had taken the high road, we would have been together. Ms Bustier then came in.

"Good morning clas-" she was cut off by Alya.

"Ms, where is Mari-slut?" She asked.

"If you hadn't interrupted me, you would here me saying that Marinette left France" she snapped.

Wait what. Okay, I know Marinette is being bullied but she didn't have to leave Paris, let alone, France. I sighed as Ms b continued with the lesson.

In Gotham City Airport

Chloe's Point Of View

We soon landed and spotted Bridgette with her daughter, Isabella. When they spotted us, Isabella immediately crushed Marinette in a hug.

"Hey Mari" she squealed.

"Hey Ella. Hey mom" Mari said.

She turned to me.

"Mom, Ella, this is my best friend Chloe. Bee, this is my mother and the over opgewonden grote zus (over excited big sis)" Mari said.

"Hey I heard that" Isabella said.

"Girls?" Aunt Bri asked but the question was drowned by Mari.

"When did you learn Dutch?" Mari asked.

"I can tell this happens all the time right?" I asked Aunt Bri.

"Yeah. But there's a way to stop it" she turned to Mari and Bell. "If you don't stop, no strawberry cake as dessert for four months" She said.

They looked at "Fine" they both said.

I giggled and we entered the limo. This is gonna be fun. At least we are free from the liar. I'm glad Aunt Bri allowed me to come.

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