She gasp when I say that, "I'm telling you because it will come out in the court case and I don't want you to think it was your fault. There were a lot of contributing factors at play that day. Luckily for me my husband is a doctor and I'm still here because of it".

"I want to say I won't tell anyone about your attempt to take your life but you have no reason to believe me. I was angry at you for so long but then I realised Alex was right. I was barely in our relationship and we didn't really communicate. My mother was abuse like you and it ate her up I really hope you see justice done. I've been going to counselling you know until Alex and I broke up I never really had time to myself. I always needed to be in a relationship. Cassie hold onto your happiness and remember those happy times when you're giving evidence and feeling like you're nothing afterwards. Because of the memories coming to the surface".

I look at her surprise at what she was saying to me, "My mother and countless people of her generation didn't have the chance to see justice served. I sincerely hope the bastard goes down".

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

She tells me she's visiting a friend and wanted to stop by and see the place again. I don't know why but I remember Jamie saying stay away from that family. I say goodbye to her and walk to the back of the pub. As far as I know Amy didn't make any friends in the month they lived at Manor House. I text Alex's sibling to say Amy is in the village.

I was inside mum's house before I remember she was in London. I walk back in the direction of my house to see Amy attempting to open the front door. We put a deadbolt and tons of other locks on the door. So she's going to have a hard time getting in. I phone the police about a breaking in at the house and she's arrested and charged.

December 23

School is out and Becca and mum are due back today from London. I've bought Becca new bedding and furniture for her room. Plus an iMac, an iPad and a new phone. I may have gone overboard. I went into work for ½ a day to discuss with my managers that no comment should  be used when the press got a hold of the story of Steve and I. We also discussed my work schedule and the amount of time I will need off to testify.

I bought more Christmas presents on the way home I was happy. I wanted to invite Linda and Mathew round for dinner I've noticed she accepts dinner invite from me and Alex only when's it's at the pub. I invited them for dinner and gave Nick some money to do all the food. Alex suggested we invite all the Peterson's and Adams and introduce Becca to everyone.

When mum and Becca arrive home I show Becca her new room. It was much bigger that the guest bedroom she stayed in before. She loved it and we told her she can decorate it within reason to how she wanted. Alex and I left her in her room and as we set up for the party I told him about Amy. He tells me her mother died when she was twelve not long after her younger sister Emma was born. We got CCTV cameras put up outside the house months earlier both front and back of it.  So Amy couldn't slip out of the charges.

To my surprise everyone except Elliot showed up to the dinner and Becca was introduce to them all. The party went well into the night Alex was working Christmas Day but had the New Year off. It was nice to see him just sit back and relax with family.

December 24

Alex went to work and Becca, mum and I went shopping for school clothes for Becca and a Christmas tree. I placed a order for stockings with our names on it and I went and picked it up. Mum and Teddy was spending Christmas with us.

When Alex came home we dress the tree and I hung stockings at the end of everyone's bed. I was aware this would be my last Christmas before the trial and my first one in ages with my little sister.

December 25

Becca woke us up at six so we could open presents I both didn't want to get up and happy she was there at the same time. We each bought our stockings downstairs and start stocking up our presents in piles before opening it up. I got Alex several Dr Who figurines, some books that he wanted and some clothes and comics. There was everything from Spider-Man to X-men.

I got couple books on cars, some PlayStation games, several vouchers to some of my favourite stores and my favourite perfume. Alex and I got mum and Teddy a holiday to where ever they wanted to go.

We tuck into some chocolate before sitting back and watching Christmas cartoons with Becca. We had smoked salmon and cream cheese and fancy sausages from M&S. Since it was Christmas we treated ourselves and didn't worry about the money. After breakfast Alex left for work and I ask Becca if she wanted to call her siblings which she did.

I stepped out the room to give her privacy for the call while Teddy, mum and I prepped for dinner. We were going to wait for Alex to come home before eating dinner. We spent the day after prepping the food going round to my uncle Fred's place. We stayed there for couple hours before dropping Mathew, Abbey and Linda gifts off. I gave Elliot a tin of celebrations chocolate. We then went home and start cooking we were home an hour when Alex's siblings, niece and nephews were at the door.

They were spending the night Alex's niece was bunking in with Becca she had two beds in her room and his nephews were sharing a room. I've never been so happy to have an eight bedroom home than I did today. Alex finish work and we had even more presents to open that Jamie and his sister bought.

It was a great Christmas as I watch Becca playing with Noah, Thomas and Sarah I was glad my in-laws children was there as playmates for her.

It was the best Christmas I had ever in my life.

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