Chapter 25

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Jason's pov

"Wasn't that a hell of a fall." She spoke, then did a roll onto her side leaning up with an elbow. Deathstroke took her by the arm, up.

I pointed my finger at her "That was not funny!!!" I ran at her with my arms outwards ready to embrace her into a hug. I tackled her into a hug, I couldn't lose her or Bree.

"I'm never letting you go out of my sight, if you marry Grayson over there we are all living in the same house." Hayley widens her eyes in confusion and embarrassment. He smirked when I saw the look on her face. I let her go out of my iron grip.

"What exactly happened, Hayley?!" Breanne yelled in worry embracing her into a hug. Dick took off his Nightwing mask and wiped his eyes.

"I learned I do have an ability, it's to heal."

"Yes, my body was ready to shut down like the average human body's. But haven't you guys noticed when I healed quickly when I had demonic slashes on my back? I guess maybe that's why I was in that awful place where I met Bree." She answered, they were in denial. I chuckled when the sun started to rise near the bright alive wheat field.

Hayley walked over to Dick and took his hands into hers. She smiled, cupped his face looking into his glossy eyes full of tears. He was happy, to know she was alive.

There were no words to describe what those two felt for each other. Love was a beautiful thing especially when both love each other.

Third person's pov

She stared into Grayson's icy blue eyes, then met his lips in a way of passion.An automatic thing she put her arms around his neck. A tear slipped from his eye once again. Heat rose in her stomach, the kiss was full of passion. He smiled in the middle of the kiss and left her lips, pressing his forehead against hers. Their eyes were closed with smiles plastered on their faces like dried glue.

"You didn't finish that sentence from before." He whispered in a hushed tone, almost relieved.

"Love you." She confessed biting her lip in embarrassment. Dick smirked, that was exactly the words he was wishing to hear one day. He stared into her brown eyes, and never wanted to leave her side. He held her in his arms, her head pressed against his chest. His scent, his hair, his face, his smile, mostly important his love for her, she felt special like Breanne and Jason. Jason smiled in the background then remembered why he kept his hand in his pocket half the time.

Jason took off his helmet and carried it with his hand.

He looked over his shoulder and down at Bree. He smiled when Breanne was smiling at the new beautiful pair.

Jason knew he would hold Breanne like a breath if he had to. He took Bree by the arm gently and guided her to the wheat field.

He wrapped his arm around Breanne's waist, They both watched the sun come up in the background. The sky was shades of pink and gold now. Fluffy clouds decorated the gold and pink clouds. The sun started to rise past the trees in the back of the field. Jason looked at Bree as her eyes were lit full of life, and her smile. Jason let go of Bree and took the small black box out of his pocket. He bent the knee, with her turning and gasping in a surprise form. He opened the box, with a beautiful diamond ring dazzling and twinkling at her sight.

"Breanne, will you make me the happiest man in the world, by being with me for as long as you choose?" She held her hands over her mouth. Tears washed out of that beautiful face of hers with a nod. Jason gave her the nicest smile he has given anyone in his life. She jumped into his arms cupping his face with her palms. He caught her waist hosting her up, as her legs wrapped around his waist. They didn't waste time to give him a beautiful kiss that showed how much they loved each other. No doubt this morning changed their lives. It changed everyone's lives, even Gotham City's new point of view with the hero's.

Red Hood IT (Under Edits)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon