Chapter 24

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Sometimes we have to hold the ones we love close to us to understand life is so precious. Every inch of life is precious. But sometimes we don't get to choose who flies away.

"One problem, Jay," Roy said, worried.

"And what would that be?" Jason asked, testing Roy.

"We don't have a bus to get them all out."

"Then make sure they all stay together and walk them as far as you can." Jason suggested, motioning the kids to go up stairs with Bree. I cut the line between. He waited until they were all up stairs. Jason was brave, he had to be. He wasn't afraid of anything, not one thing. The things he has done and seen, is enough to throw anyone of course.

Jason darted himself up stairs picking up his helmet that turned off, from music and lights. That helmet made everything fun in his opinion. Nightwing followed, Breanne and Jason went out the front door in a rush.

Why did the sharp shooter want to go alone? She possibly knew there was something up. She knew something she knew would happen soon enough.

Later when they gathered all outside the old half ruptured barn. Deathstroke didn't find anything besides a doorway in the floor under some old hay in the barn. That must have what and where the clown was hiding. Under the floorboards of the barn.

Jason's pov

We all looked at each other and gazed at the handle on the floor. We knew this was nearly over and done with. But facing the clown itself would be one of the most difficult tasks I would do.

I bent the knee reaching for the silver loop that called my name to open it. I pulled it up seeing just a hole, a dark hole. Hayley was about to jump into the dark hole, until Deathstroke grabbed her shoulder. He shook his head, no. Then reached into the holster on his belt line. And pulled out a red stick. He popped the top of lighting it in a red glimpse. Then he dropped it down the hole. Then the flare took an endless while to reach the bottom. The hole seemed endless, I looked around then saw near the stables was a shelf and a wall wrack. I walked over there and found an old rope rolled up and hanging off the shelf. I reached for it and grabbed it within seconds. I made my way back to the group near the entrance of the barn, where the small hidden door called our names. I tied it to a pillar near the stables on the right side, and pulled the rope making sure it would hold. Then tossed it down the hole, seeing the blaze from the red flare

"I'll go first and give you the signal if everything is alright" they nodded at the same time. I glanced down the hole, that was around 35ft into the ground. I leaned off the edge holding onto the rope and jumped down holding the rope. The rope burned against my gloves making them shoot off little threads. I should have just used my graphel gun. My feet met the ground's atmosphere.

I turned on my Night vision in my helmet and glanced around. It was like an underground Cave. It had a big bog of water in the middle of some land, that was like a small island enough for all of us to stand crammed into together. Stalactites and stalagmites hung from the ceiling with little crystal clear water drops dripped. There was also a large cliff around the pond of water, into the endless void.

Then it hit me, the blood on the ground making a trail.

"We're good!" I yelled, my voice echoed in the massive underground cave. I kept my arms straight outwards pointing the guns in front of me. There was a small jagged, rough incline down. It looked old enough, I planted my feet into the ground and slid down casually with caution of my surroundings. I slid down the incline hitting the surface and finally hit the ground.

The moon peeked through the small sewer hole that rain would go in without flooding the driveway.

"Welcome." the clown said grimly, he came out of the shadows. He had a grim smile on his face, and the paint that made the smile on his face looked like it had dried on blood. He was in the middle where the little bit of land was in front of the water.

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