Chapter Nine ~ "Hi, we have a problem"

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The sun rose in Arendelle, and woke Elsa up. She hadn't slept for long, she had been too worried about Kristoff and Anna. She knew they hadn't come back last night. Apparently Kristoff had taken Sven with him to seek for Anna in the forest. Elsa figured he would've found her before midnight, but when it was midnight, there were no Kristoff and Sven in the stables and no Anna in her bedroom. 

Are they okay? They're probably back now. 

Elsa quickly dressed herself to go downstairs for breakfast. When she walked down the stairs, she met Kai on the way.

"Your majesty, do you have any idea where queen Anna and king Kristoff are?" He asked Elsa.

"They're not here? Still not here?!" Elsa said, and Kai could hear and see her worry.

"What do you mean 'still not' your majesty?" Kai asked confused. Elsa sighed. Did she really have to explain?

"Don't panic, but Anna ran away yesterday and Kristoff went after her. They might be in danger. I mean, if they're still not back, they could be lost or stuck somewhere." She said, "I have to go and find them!" She finished, and wanted to run off, but Kai stopped her.

"But who will greet princess Rapunzel and prince Eugene of Corona? Their ship could arrive any minute now, your majesty. Maybe it's better if we send the guards to go look for the king and queen. Someone has to welcome them." Kai suggested. Elsa sighed again, because she knew he was right, but she wished he wasn't.

"You're right, send all the guards we have. They have to be out there somewhere." Elsa said, against her will. She wanted to look for them herself. She wanted to save them. 

Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have let Kristoff go seek for Anna alone yesterday, but he was so desperate. . . And I'm not the boss of him, obviously. . . Please be okay. . . 

Kai nodded and said goodbye, pulling Elsa out of her worrying thoughts. He immediately did what Elsa asked for. He had informed all the guards and had send them to the forest and the mountains to find Anna, Kristoff, and Sven. The only one that hadn't left, was general Matthias. He knew Elsa and Olaf were having breakfast, so he went over to them to chat.

"Good morning your majesty, are you feeling okay?" He asked, as he entered the dining room. Elsa nodded and smiled at his entrance.

"I'm okay. Just a little worried that my cursed sister, her husband, and his best reindeer friend have been eaten by wolves, that's all." Elsa answered sarcastically and gasped by the fact that she said, 'cursed sister'. No one was supposed to know that. Matthias's mouth dropped.

"Excuse me, cursed sister? Queen Anna is cursed? Since when? How?" He asked, full of confusion. Elsa rested her head in her palm.

"It's complicated. You weren't supposed to know. No one was. Kristoff, Olaf, and I are trying to find a way to lift the curse. Just, don't tell anyone okay?" Elsa said. Matthias nodded.

"Of course your majesty. . ." He scratched his chin, thinking of what to say next, "May I ask how the queen got cursed?" Apparently, Olaf wanted to explain, "We don't know. Four days ago we all had breakfast together and she was acting very strange. She didn't even want to hear about my dream! Next thing we know she sort of broke up with Kristoff, told Elsa she was a child, insulted us all the time and ran away when she found out we found more information about the curse. Pretty simple." The crazy snowman explained. Elsa and Matthias looked at each other. Elsa saw that the confusion in Matthias' mind had grown, by listening to Olaf's explanation. So, she properly explained him everything.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in. You know, now I think of it, I think I've heard of this curse before." Matthias said. Elsa and Olaf gasped.

"You have?" Elsa asked. Matthias nodded.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 // A Frozen TaleWhere stories live. Discover now