before long, the front door opens and briar walks in, unbeknownst to what's going on in her and jadens shared bedroom.

"jaden i'm home!" she calls setting her purse on the custom granite counter

she scanned the living room, something was off. she heard moans coming from a cracked door, which was her bedroom. she went closer to the door, her jordans stomping on the floor,
"fuck jaden." she heard

right then and there, three weeks after their one year anniversary, one year since jaden asked briar to be his girlfriend on her grandmother's property in new jersey, her heart shattered. it shattered into ten million pieces that couldn't be fixed with the strongest super glue.

one year. one whole fucking year she spent with jaden. they were inseparable. they went everywhere together. all the countless dates they went on, sunrises and sunsets they watched, stars they gazed, music they wrote, fans they met, trips they went on, didn't matter anymore. it was over this time, for real.

briar was done. she was done letting lauren miller ruin every relationship she was in. she didn't even need to open the door, to know who and what was exactly going on in there. but, none the less, she did. she opened the door and the memories starting flooding in, the first time they slept in their first apartment together, the first vacation they went on, and so many more.

"briar i can explain." jaden throws lauren off of him, "she forced me to." he says

briar shakes her head, "i don't want to hear it."
she says, "we're done."

"briar please." jaden throws a shirt on and quickly gets up trying to grab briars hand as she grabs a duffel bag and throws a few clothes and things she'll need

"jaden seriously." briar says, "don't touch me." she jerks her arm away

lauren sits in silence with her head in her hands. briar is throwing clothes and her most valuable items in her bag and grabs her purse. jaden is trying to talk to briar but she keeps ignoring him.

"baby please." jadens eyes well with tears

"don't baby me." she yells,
"we're done. for good this time." she says throwing her purse over her shoulder,
"don't call or text me, ever again."

"bri." he pleas before she slams the door in his face

jaden stood there in shock, he can't believe he actually did it. he lost briar. they were done for good this time, and there was no fixing this. he prayed that whatever lauren had said was true, he prayed that this only happened to protect briar.

on the outside, he looked blank. his face was pale and his eyes were filled with tears, he bit his lip trying to hold back the tears, but there was no use, salty tears were pouring out of jadens eyes onto his cheeks. his heart felt like it was empty, there was nothing inside of it anymore. briar hadn't been gone even five minutes and he already missed her. his missed her touch, her scent of vanilla perfume and the way her lips were always coated with some sort of gloss or chapstick. she was his everything,
and now, she was gone.

no turning back, briar had her duffel bag over her shoulder to the nearest bus station. she took her phone out and typed a few tweets on her account and deleted it, along with every other social media platform on her phone. she wanted no contact with anyone in la. she was done. she never wanted to come back here again, lauren had ruined everything for her. lauren miller had ruined her life. 

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