Logan: Well that seems like you guys will have a good time together, I doubt he will decline your date request

Roman: I suppose so but I don't know until I ask

Logan: I have been in this situation myself Roman, with Patton. I was positive he would never go on a date with me but when I asked him he agreed to go on a date with me. Then some dates later I gathered the courage to ask him to be my boyfriend and here we are. The same thing could happen with you and Virgil, don't doubt yourself or put yourself down, you got this it will be all "Gucci".

Roman: Thanks Logan

After a while of talking to Logan about stars I heard footsteps heading this way. I knew it wasn't Patton because we was at the store so it had to be Virgil. "Well Roman" I thought "you had all this time of planning and now put it to action".

Virgil: Hey guys

Roman: Good morning Panic at the everywhere

Virgil: Good morning to you Sir singalot

Logan: Greetings

Virgil: Hey Logan, where's Patton?

Logan: He went to get a few things from the store

Virgil: Oh ok

He sat down for a while then went and got some food. I decided I'd ask him later. "You can do this Roman" "you got this" "everything will be ok even if he says no" I kept telling myself these things to calm me down. My nerves would of took over if I didn't do that.

Patton came back after a while, Logan had to go work on something and Virgil was in the shower.

Patton: Did you do it?

Roman: Not yet

Patton: Wait why? You aren't backing out,are you?

Roman: I'm not,I haven't got a good moment to

Patton: I see. When he comes back I'll leave and let you ask the question

Roman: Oh thanks Pat

Patton: No problem I just really want to help you out, I hope you guys have a great time. I ship it

Roman: How do you know there will be a 'great time'?he hasn't said yes yet

Patton: I can see the future

Roman: Really?

Patton: Mhm, believe me I can!

Roman: Ok then why don't you tell me about the future then

Patton: Is that Virgil I hear? got to go!

A few minutes later

I was in the living room with Virgil and I thought now was a good time to ask. It was just me and him. Logan was in his room still working and Patton went to see if Logan needed anything to or any help, so we were alone. Here I go.

Roman: Hey Virgil?

Virgil: Yeah Princy?

Roman: You doing anything on Friday?

Virgil: Nope, what makes you ask?

Roman: Oh nothing I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me to the Cinema and watch something then go to the firework show?

Virgil: I'm up for it

Roman: Great it's a date!

I gave him a wink and a smile then left the room. I went to my room and flopped on my bed. That really just happened. Virgil just said yes! Virgil said yes to me! I know it's only a date but still! If this goes well then I might ask him on a second one.

Virgils PoV(when Roman left the room

I did hear it right. He did say 'date'. Oh my god Roman said DATE. I thought I heard him wrong when he asked me the first time but then he said it again. Roman just asked me on a date and I just said yes. Oh my god! I can't believe this! The guy I like just asked me out and to make things worse he winked at me before he left the room, making me flustered. Did I think this was going to happen when I woke up today? Of course not! I never thought this would ever happen! He might be playing and joking. No, Roman wouldn't play with someone's feelings like that. He was being serious. He was being serious. I buried my face in my hands to hide my red face. I just can't get over this and I never will. I need to tell Patton about this later.

A few hours later

Patton and I was in the kitchen area together and I forgot to tell him about Roman. Should I? He'd fanboy like crazy.

Patton: So any plans this weekend?

Virgil: Yeah I got this date

Patton: Date?! What? My emo son has a date! With who?

Virgil: Roman

Patton: Really?!

Virgil: Yeah I'm just as surprised as you are

Patton: What was his exact words

Virgil: he said "I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me to the Cinema and watch something then go to the firework show?"

He crashed into me and gave me a bear hug.

Patton: I'm so happy for you!

Virgil: Me too

Patton: See I told you he'd like you!

Virgil: it's just a date, nothing big

Patton: You don't just randomly ask someone out on a date, you have to have some sort of romantic feelings towards them!

Virgil: I guess you're right after all

Patton: Not guess you know I'm right

Virgil: Whatever you say Patton

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