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Hook watched as Ella and Henry doted on their baby girl.

Regina walked to him, "Hey, it's gonna be alright you'll find your daughter. You will have that happiness," Regina said.

"Aye. Thank you for your faith," Hook said.

"For right now, why don't make yourself useful," Regina motioned over to Brooke sat on a wall, looking at her locket.

Hook looked over, "Bond over the loss of a family?" Hook asked.

"Not ideal, but in a way," Regina sighed, "I've been saying the wrong things."

"I'll try," Hook said and walked over, "Brooke?"

Brooke hummed and looked up at him, "Has Gina sent you to try and make me smile or something?" She asked.

Hook sat on the wall, beside her, "Aye, that she did," Hook said and looked at the locket, looking at the pictures, "I'm guess the baby is Aiden?"

"Yeah, my baby boy," Brooke pointed to Alicia at 3 years old, "Alicia when she was three, and our wedding photo," She pointed to a picture of her a Killian.

Just then a portal opens and Zelena walked through.

"Zelena," Regina looked up, "Oh, no, what's wrong?" Regina asked.

iF"It's Mother Gothel," Zelena breathed heavily, "She took my daughter," Zelena said.

End of Flashback

Sofia walked into the hospital and saw Regina and Zelena, "Kelly?" Sofia called out.

"Broo... Sofia," Zelena said and smiled, she walked to her and they hugged.

They pulled away, "I was surprised when Roni went to San Fransico. It's so good to see you," Sofia said and smiled and they looked through the window to see Henry and Jacinda sat by Lucy's bed, "Any news?"

"None yet," Zelena said.

Henry looked up and saw them, he got up and walked out of the room to talk to them. Regina looked at him, "Hey, how are you? How's Lucy?" Regina asked him.

"She's, um, she's stable, but she's not getting any better and me, I just... There's nothing I can do to help. So, there's that," Henry said.

"Hey, don't give up. Lucy needs you right now. She needs your help. Even if she can't ask for it. I may not have known you long, but I can tell. You're a believer, Henry. Even if you don't know it. Just like Lucy," Regina said.

"Yeah, well, thanks for the pep talk," Henry said.

Sofia's phone buzzes and she picked up, "Hey hon, what is it?" Sofia walked away from Zelena and Regina.

"Who's hon?" Zelena asked.

"Hook... They're married here..." Regina whispered.

"Oh... Oh... Oh! Ew," Zelena sighed, "This much have been difficult... Being so closet them and they don't even know who you are."

"It is," Regina said.

"What exactly are we going to do? If we break the curse, Henry died, and if we don't, Lucy does," Zelena said.

"I don' know, but I can tell you what we're not gonna go. We are not gonna let either one of them die. There's gotto be a way to figure this out and we'regonna do it, together," Regina said.

"Wicked and Evil?" Zelena said with a smile.

"No, sisters," Regina said.

Sofia walked to him, "I've got to head off, keep me posted?" She looked at Regina.

Ending is the Beginning [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #7 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now