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Henry showed his daughter Lucy to Brooke, Hook, Jack and Tiana.

"I'd like you all to meet Lucy," Henry said.

"That is amazing, Henry Mills is a father," Jack said.

"Congratulations, she looks strong," Tiana said.

"She's beautiful," Hook said.

"I'm a great-aunt... I feel old now..." Brooke said.

Henry chuckled, "Uh, where's my mom? She should be here by now," Henry said.

Drizella arrived, "Oh, Regina's fine. She's just a little detained," She said.

"Stay away from my daughter," Henry said.

Brooke waved her wrist sending Drizella into a tree, she stumbled back into Hook, who grabbed her, "Love?" Hook looked at her.

"I'm good, still healing," Brooke said.

"Such a worried papa and auntie," Drizella got up with ease, "No need to be, I'm only here to deliver a message. Well, more accurately, a prophecy. A curse is coming," Drizella said and Brooke walked to Henry, "On you darling child's 8th birthday, all your lives as you know them will end," Drizella said.

"That's why your mother needed my blood," Brooke said, "The Dark Curse."

Hook advanced on her, "Perhaps you misread the prophecy, love, because you missed the part where we defeat you," He pulled out his sword from his holster.

Drizella was about to use her magic on Hook but Brooke froze her with her magic, "Drizella, I wouldn't. Look down," Brooke said she stumbled back and Jack caught her, "Good catch," She said.

Drizella looked down to see that she is standing on a rune etched into dirt, from her feet she began turning to stone. "This is blood magic, how is this possible?" Drizella asked.

Lady Tremaine walked in front of the group, "With a spatter of my blood, of course. I simply can't have you casting the curse, dear," Lady Tremained said.

"This changed nothing. In eight years, I'll be back and you'll learn what true suffering is," Drizella said before the rune turned Drizella completely turned into stone.

"Tremaine..." Brooke said and she turned to her, "M-My blood, if so their's no Saviour... Correct?"

"I believe so, yes. I'm sorry my daughter took you from yours," Tremaine said.

Eight Years Later...

On Lucy's birthday, everyone gathered at Queen Tiana's manor to celebrate her birthday. Everyone was dressed for the occasion, the women in ball gowns and men in suits.

"Thank you all for coming to celebrate the birthday of a special little girl and to remember how lucky we are to live in a time of peace and prosperity," Tiana said.

"Thank you, Aunt Tiana," Lucy gaspsed a little, "I mean, Queen Tiana," Lucy said and she playfully bowed.

"Oh," Tiana said and looked at Brooke and they chuckled.

"Can I light the candles?" Lucy asked.

"Oh, no, that's my job," Regina said and she magically lights the candles.

Brooke smiled, "Now, make a wish," She said.

Lucy smiled at her and nodded, she turned to the candles and before she could blow them out, a storm came up.

"What the bloody hell is that?" Hook asked as he moved to Brooke.

Gothel appeared in front of the stone Drizella, "Look at all this," She said, Hook, Henry and Jack stepped forward pointing their swords at Gothel, "Cake, presents, family. Did you really think this would be a day of celebration?" Gothel said.

Ending is the Beginning [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #7 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now