Chapter 11

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Gemma had prepared me a rose water bath to smoothen my skin. She handed me a razor to shave and put on a face mask to smoothen my features.

"My lady you should apply lotion to your entire body as soon as you finish showering!" She says.

"Gemma? Is this really necessary? I know the duke willl not visit me." I tell her to try to calm her down, well to calm me down.

"My lady! When your husband says he would visit you it is a women duty to prepare her self! I am sure the duke will come!"

Will he really? I mean he didn't come to visit me on our weeding night. Why will he come now when it has been months. I cover my face with my hands and it becomes quiet.

"Gemma?" I say my voice shaking.

"Yes my lady?" She answers me.

"I'm nervous" I tell her and there's silence. "I mean what do I do? What should I say while we are? I've never done this before? What do I do? Is it. Going to hurt? What happens if I hate it?"

"My lady calm down" Gemma says and I stare at her.

"Everything will be fine. You just need to trust your heart." She says. "And body" She giggles and I get even more embarrassed.

I'm about to show this man my most vulnerable moments! I have met him a good twenty times since we wedded. How am I supposed to suddenly become a real wife!

"My lady you are the most beutiful person I have ever met. The duke is the most luckiest man to have someone this beutiful as his wife."Gemma kept saying more embarrassing things.

I wa nervous I couldn't help it. Why did he decided to choose today? I always knew this day would come I just thought I would have more time to mentally prepare my self.

Th night of my weeding I did expected him to come to visit me and I had prepared myself for it. It was humiliating to have all the servants help me get ready just for him to not show up.

But this time I had a feeling he would come. Gemma helps me out and starts to rub lotion on my hands, arms, shoulders, everywhere. "This is a new lotion brought by merchants from the orient, it is said to give the skin a radiant natural glow."

"Thank you" I tell her and we head to my bedroom and I take a sit on my vanity chair and she brushes my wet damn hair.

"My lady? May i ask a question?" I look at her reflection in the mirror and nod.

"Have you ever been in loved with a men?" She blushes and I look down at my hands. For some reason I'm reminded of someone.

"No" I tell her and she looked at me and she didn't believed me.

"Have you ever done anything with a man?" She blushes and I blush.

"No of course not! I told you I am a virgin" I tell her and grab my perfume and spray small tissue and gently Pat it against my skin on my neck.

"Of course ma'am, but I mean have you done anything else like, like kissing or holding hands?" She says and I drop my nail filer on the ground.

And I was reminded of a time when I was thirteen...

My best friend Samuel whom I always thought I would marry suddenly kissed me. We did kiss a few times after that but one day his family sent him to study abroad and he never came back now I was married. I had a crush on him but like any other crush it went away and ceased to exist.

"Oh my! Who was it?! What was his name?" Gemma jumped with joy and I blushed.

"It happend a long time ago there's no point in talking about the past." I tell her and she pouts.

"Well can I atleast know if a kiss happend?" She smiled and looked at me with wondering eyes.

I smile and my face feels warm. "Let's talk about this some other time, alright?" I tell her and she nods. Gemma did good on keeping my mind occupied as she talked about random things. I wasn't panicking at all and then we heard a knock on the door. My heart started to flutter as Gemma opened the door I stood near my vanity.

A maid came in and she brought in a tray. My heart started to slow down and I had to lay down. I had to before I start to panic. This shouldn't be shuck a big deal, everyone does this. This is normal in a marriage.

I closed my eyes and relaxed.

I opened my eyes and my room was dark. Oh no I fell asleep! I sat up and then I noticed the silhouette by the window.

Vincent stood there looking out the window with a glass on his hand.  His faced gleamed with the light of the moon. He was really beautiful...

He turned around to look at me and we stared at each other for a while.  My face felt warm and he sat his glass down and walked towards me. I griped my bed sheets and watched as he walked over to me.

He stoped at the foot of the bed and stared at me. He finally made his way to the side of the bed where I was and I looked up at him.

He placed his knee on my bed bed and slowly started to push me to the bed. My back was to the bed as he stared at me. I reached over and covered my face.

"Wait." I told him as I covered my face with both of my hands. "Let me breath for one second"I say and voice shakes just a tiny bit.

I felt his hand on my belly side as he untied the ribbon on my night gown. My heart started to race faster and I felt a slight air on my bare belly and chest.

I can't do this! It's so embarrassing!

His hand touched mine on m face and he pulled them off from my eyes. I felt warm air near my face and I smelled the wine. I opened my eyes slightly and there he was. His face was only inches from mine.

The Duke and The duches of  VaugrenardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora