Chapter 14

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This was ackward, I had never spent this much time with Vincent. He just sat there not saying a word. Maybe was he waiting for me to say something?

I looked at him once more and this time he was looking at me. "Do you need to tell me something?" He asked.

"No" I answered as calm as I could trying to not let the blood rush to my face faster. There was no use in stoping my embarrassment I would still get red. So to slow it down by calming myself was the best method.

"Are you sure? Since we left the manor you seem to be looking at me. If you want to ask me something or anything I'm all ears" he says and he puts his book down on his lap and covers it with his hands and looks directly at me giving me all his attention.

What do I say? I can't just tell him that I was admiring his hood looks? Or that I was worried he might talk to me about anything so I was anxious and getting myself ready for any questions he may ask.

So I said the first thing that came to my mind. "The bath..." I stopped mid way and he looked at me with a stoic face. "No that's not it" I said quickly and my face felt warm. "I meant to say."

His lips lifted just a tiny bit on the corners and my face became warmer. "You need to use the bathroom?" He says.

"No! I mean that's not it! I meant to say the... ball who is going to be there?" I say rapidly. Hurry just answer the question don't doubt me!

He doesn't say anything and pulls out a paper from his book. "This is the list for the guest of his royal highness attendees" I grab the paper and stare at it. I wasn't really reading at that point, but I at least had to make it seem like i was.

As I scan the paper a certain name caught my eyes Earl Farrell. My heart squezed for a second and a certain memory that i had suppressed since my childhood past by my mind.

"Rose?" I look up as Vincent called my name.


"I asked if you wish to visit your parents on our way back from the capital?" he asked me.

I looked out the small window into the deep woods and shook my head. "No, i have nothing to say to my parents"

"I see"

That was the last conversation we had the entire trip until we reached our first destination.  A small town called Lisholt. Since we arrived late at night there wasn't much to see. The roads where all dark, some buildings had lights on and others where completely dark. The carriage stopped in front a normal building and Vincent got off. He told me he would be back in a second and as soon as he left he came back. He opened the door and handed me his hand so i could get off.

"Where are we?" i asked him.

"We are in a Town called Lisholt" he said as i looked up and read the sign. Keep Inn r "This is not the greatest Inn, but since we got here later than expected we don't have much to chose from" he says as he escorts me inside into a room with a desk in the center of the room, a lounge on the left and on the right where two tables and chairs that read dinning.

"Welcome" said the old man. "As you requested you noble sir the best room in this humble inn is being deeply cleaned as we speak. Please take a sit and i will  inform you as soon as it is ready" he says and his raspy voice stops as he takes a look at me from head to toe. Vincent moves to stand in front of me and the old man walks away.

"Do not leave my side, or Felix side" he says and he leads me to the small lounge. We wait for a while until the old man came up to us and escorted us to a room on the second floor. "Enjoy your stay" He says and Vincent closes the door. I look around the room and the bed was in the center a sitting area to the right and desk on the left. The windows where wide open and the night cold air blew in the room.

"Its not luxurious like your room back home, but this will have to do for the night." he says and walks to the couch and sits down. I walk over to the side of the bed and took off my coat. I looked around the room and notice one of my suitcases near the door and walk to it and grab it. i opened the suitcase and reach for a nightgown. I look at Vincent and he was still sitting in the couch with his back to me.

I reach behind my back and pulled on the string on my corset to untie it. If i sleep with this i know i would wake up with back pain. I struggled to take it off and managed to take it off half way and started to struggle. I felt a presence on my back and warm hands on mine.

I stopped breathing for a moment and felt as Vincent helped me untie the corset. When it came off he reached behind my neck and pulled on the Zipper and started to pull it down. My breathing became more and more slower and my face warmer. The chilly air in the room touched my back. "There" he says and steps away.

I Glance over my shoulder and see him walk over to the desk area where a glass of water stood. i reached down and put the over sized night gown over my head and slowly pulled out of my dress.

I sit on the left side of the bed a look at him. "Are you not going to sleep?" I ask him and he turned around. He took of his suit and only his white collar and necktie where left.

"I will. I just need to work on a report for his majesty" he says and reaches over to grab a folder that is sitting on the desk. He pulls the chair out and starts to write something down.

I sit there for a few minutes and then finally laid my back on the mattress. The spring of the mattress where very hard but I tried to ignore it. I close my eyes and let the sleep get to me.

The Duke and The duches of  VaugrenardNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ