Chapter 10

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I was in the library early in the morning when my husband secretary, Carlos came in.

"Good morning my lady" he greets me and I smile at him.

"Good morning Carlos, do you need something?"
I ask him.

"Yes, I actually have come to talk to you about the duties of the manor" he says. "May we Talk in my office, my lady?" He asks me.

"Of course, lead the way" I tell him and he leads me out the library we walk towards Vincent's office which was the last door in the east wing. He opens a door three doors down to the left and we enter a room that was full of books and papers. His desk was to the far right stacked with documents.

"Please excuse me for the mess, as you may know my job requieres a lot of paper work so keeping my office clean has become a challenge" he says and he moves books from a chair and offers me a sit.

"Of course I understand."

"May I offer you some tea?" He asks me.

"Of course" after he sets the hot tea infront of me he sits across from me and places a stack of paper.

"As you may know the Vaugrenard family has not had a duches in over a decade. So the manors duties have fallen to various people through out the years. When the duke was given his title he appointed me to take care of the manors well being"

"However now that you are the duches it is time for me to step down and give you your role. For the past months before the weeding I have been preparing and easing down all of the manors work. These papers here show everything that you will be in charge off."  He hands them to me. "From the kitchens menu, to the staffs wages these are some of the duches job. The duke has also asked of me to give you the list of Nobel lady's to prepare you for your first appearance in the high social club"

"Starting next week, my lady you shall begin to take the position of a real duches."

So this is what happens this morning. I mean coming from a Nobel back ground I knew sooner or latter I would do this but I never thought I had to do this much. 

Carlos even went into detail about evrything which helped me understand more eventually he told me the most important stuff had already been appointed for the year, like the money that was set aside for me to use for the manor and personal spending money and the staffs wages. I didn't even know that a duchess took care of the knights wages, and the barracks funds.

I was even given my own office right across from Vincent's office. It wasn't that close but still was in the same hall.  His office was in the east wing section while mine toward the west wing. It was a big room that had its own library now I have my own place to put my own books. The room was smaller then Vincent's but still big enough. I had read into what duties I had to do for a week.

I was in my new office when I heard a knock i was expecting Gemma but it was Vincent.

"I see you have gotten set in you office" he says as he makes his way to sit in the small sitting area. This was the first time in days since  I had seen him. Even when we live together we rarely see one another.

"I have" I tell him and make my way to sit opposite from him. "Gemma bring us some tea"

"Yes my lady" Gemma rushes out and we are left alone.

"What brings you to the west wing My duke" I ask him.

"Vincent" he says.

"Vincent" I repeat after him and he grins. My heart gave a squeeze but I kept my stoic face. He's just handsome heart he is just too handsome.

"I came by to see if you had everything ready. Carlos informed he has given you the house manor seal and had discussed to you about your job as the duchess"

"Yes he made sure to let me know off everything, even the smallest detail. You have a great secretary" I tell him and Gemma had walked in with the tea and she sat it down in-front of us.  I took my cup and started to blow on the tea.

"Also I came to talk to you about something Felix mentioned to me."  He says. "The other day when you went out you ran into someone" he says and my hands stop. I look at my tea and then set it down.

I glanced at Gemma and she looked surprise. She saw me and she noted and left the room.

"Yes, I believe her name was Rachelle Saint-Yves" I tell him and he grabs his tea and takes a sip. "You do not have to worry. I have no problems with you seing other women" I say and he pauses and stares at me.

"Men have urges they need to satisfy and sometimes their wife's can not offer her services to him. I do not mind if you have a women or various women so long as they know where they stand."

"I also don't mind if you have children with them. However I shall be the one to bare your first child and heir. I also do not want them to live in the manor if you agree with all of these terms than I do not oppose to your affairs".

He continues to stare at me and his face changed for a secound. "I'm offended Rose," he says and I was shocked. Offended?

"Do I look like a man who would cheat on his wife? Let alone get a mistress?" He asked and he sat his cup down in the coffee table. "The reason I did not go to you on our weeding night was because I had business to take care off" he says and he stands up and walks towards me he grabs my chin with his long slender fingers and my hearts beats uncontrollably. "I will be visiting you later tonight" he whispers and I could tell my face my red, I could feel it.

He gets out of my office and Gemma walks in she looks at me curious and my face still felt hot.

"My lady are you alright?" Gemma asks me as she approaches me. "Are you feeling unwell? The duke told me to take you to your room and get you ready?"

My face felt hotter as Gemma finished her sentence. I touched my warm face with my slightly cold hands. Wait is he not joking? No he is not interested in me in that way. There's no way he would visit me! I mean what do I do?

I stand up fast and look at Gemma. "My lady?" What do I do? It's, its, my first time what do I need to get ready for? I walk out of the room and Gemma follows me out and I walk out and at the opposite of the hall I see Vincent talking to Felix.

Vincent glances at me as I hurry out and I could swear he smiled as I turned and walked out of the hall.

The Duke and The duches of  VaugrenardWhere stories live. Discover now